The root of it all

Pic related describes the core impulse that drives civilization toward the absurd consequences we’re currently witnessing. It’s a special type of hubris.

Ultimately, the people in charge think that they can micromanage complex systems (e.g., society, the environment) using science and technology to achieve the continual betterment of humanity. This is the essence of progressivism as an ideology. They boldly assume that (1) they know enough about said complex systems to not screw up, and (2) they know what constitutes humanity’s betterment. They view themselves as benevolent philosopher kings, but are perhaps more like a Huxlean scientific dictatorship.

Their outlook can only lead to totalitarianism of the highest order. Over time, it strips people of what little autonomy they have by outsourcing nearly all decision-making power to experts. Every facet of human life has its concomitant experts who see room for ‘improvement’ everywhere they look. Expert authorities are always looking for ways to ‘improve’ (i.e., micromanage) humanity, and so their reach extends always further into every aspect of life.

And for what? Progress. To expand the system for its own sake, and to justify their role in it.

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goddammit all, I wished to colonize venus before the damn collapse...or mars like elon.
at least we will be capable of survival...

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>I wished to colonize venus before the damn collapse...or mars like elon.
This will come at a high price user. Are you willing to become a slave to achieve technological heights?

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>implying I wouldn't be willing to sacrifice lives to increase computing power

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Progress is what makes us humans in the first place. The drive to be better and to advance our civilisation is built in our genes, our spirit, our way of living. The problem is not progress, but the drives behind progress, currently, the drive of progress is ever-increasing debt through our rigged capitalist system. It forces us to make more money everyday than the last day before it. And that is why we have 'experts' who receive huge funds just basically spouting propaganda to leer humanity into ever-increasing modern slavery, perpetually keeping the maschine running while the ship we're on gets sailed into the abyss by satanists and stays there forever.

>sacrifice lives
What about your ability to walk freely?

Here’s just one seemingly absurd example of expert micromanagement reaching into the most banal of human activities: actuated navigation. Pads attached to the muscles on our legs would send electrical impulses that ‘steer’ our walking toward specific GPS navigated destinations. It’s like autopilot, but for walking.

If actuated navigation were deemed safer than regular navigation by some panel of experts, then regular navigation could be deemed a public health risk. Actuated navigation could then be made mandatory. It may sound absurd, but given the current attitudes toward mandatory public health interventions, consider whether people would accept it. I think many of them probably would.

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>The problem is not progress, but the drives behind progress, currently, the drive of progress is ever-increasing debt through our rigged capitalist system

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>Are you willing to become a slave to achieve technological heights?
nah man, I am not ready to be a slave but goddamn do I want cloud cities on the skies of venus, hell at 50km over the surface the temperature varies between 70°C to 30°C with pressure like earth and at 52km it is 20°C, perfect temperature to live and a little lower pressure.
if we choose the route where maxwell montes is then we'll have a 24 hour day cycle with endless energy, be it the sun or the wind.

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>the core impulse that drives civilization toward the absurd consequences we’re currently witnessing. It’s a special type of hubris.

Its the desire for power, and to keep that power forever. Look at the 1984 and Brave New World books. There was a power struggle in europe over the past few hundred years and after a certain group won people in the know started speculating on what they were going to do with their win.

If you think they are doing these things to the west because they are stupid, or because of hubris, then you just don't get it.

To clarify, yeah the average politician is stupid. but his policy is not his own. Obviously.


to be brutally honest? absolutely for some people, I walk to work and I see daily niggers with their faces glued to their phones almost dying walking under a bus of something else, would solve a lot of fucking problems in a city

>power struggle
Ah yes, power. I agree. Power to do what though? To become reality’s micromanagers.

There’s a reason why they want to collect as much data as possible. They think having more information means they’ll have more power. Data = knowledge = the ability to act/predict/manage = power.

Do I think that with great power comes great hubris? The erroneous belief that one can and will use that power in ways that only result in humanity’s betterment? Yes. We’re all the good guys when we have the power.

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This armchair psychology stated as fact is extremely obnoxious and is repeated by social retards.

>absolutely for some people
Only those who need it most, those who benefit the greatest (the most vulnerable, if you will), with whom it always begins.

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>armchair psychology
Does it bother you that I did not solicit the opinion of an expert before opining about another human being’s motivations?

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It does because you stated it as fact. When you start with "this is why" and it's something that can't be proven and isn't supported by anything beyond what you want to believe, you can justify any action, you can believe anything about anyone. I could opine right now and say you don't care what's true, you want to drive impressionable individuals to violence against people you don't like.

I agree with most of what youre saying except the bit about it being for humanitys betterment. I dont expect the people at the top give a shit about lowly serfs.
I think they are quite comfortable knowingly reducing the quality of life to expand profits and power. Not for humanitys betterment - only for the sake of expansion.
On a simple level if you are charged with increasing Amazons profits, at some point you are going to run out of room. If everyone in america was buying everything from Amazon, but your job is to drive profits up, what do you do? You could try to lower wages, or outsource more labor but at some point youre going to be stuck. You need more people buying. So you import them. Who cares if they are stupid and violent and make the publics life worse. They buy shit.
The same is true for banks wanting to issue more loans.
Oil & Gas wanting more consumers.
None of these people give a shit about the betterment of mankind. They are just trying to make a number go up.

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>with whom it always begins
and usually stops, wheelchairs are invented but nobody are forced to use them, you schizo

would you pick and chose from your friends family neighbors and nationals who gets to join and who gets no human rights, and argue why you deserve to chose safely without being assfucked by your local jew gang leader

>isn't supported by anything beyond what you want to believe
So what if I were to take a random sample of the world’s most powerful people and their acolytes (e.g., top Big Tech stakeholders, the WEF executives, high-ranking military officials, extremely well-connected social theorists, etc.), collect quotes from them about what they envision for humanity, and then draw some commonalities between each of the quotes? Could I then make a case for my position, which is that they basically want to micromanage people’s lives the the Nth degree using novel tech? Because lots of people have done this, implying that’s it’s not just a pet belief of mine.

Do you need it all wrapped nicely in a peer-reviewed double-blind placebo controlled scientific study before you’ll take it seriously?