Activates the emergencies act and then prevents parliament from sitting to debate because the emergencies act is in use...

>Activates the emergencies act and then prevents parliament from sitting to debate because the emergencies act is in use in your path

Trudeau is so based. Literally untouchable.

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.22 lr can touch him

Trudeau's hideout has been found!
He is hiding at Harrington lake (Résidence du lac Mouseau)
45°33'14.2"N 75°55'45.3"W
Pic related from Febuary 15
There are three ways to get there:
1. Chelsea, Gatineau Park, Parking 13
2. Meech Creek Valley, Parking 16, Crossloop trail
3. Ch. Crégheur, Luskville

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This is great now the other politicians can pretend they don’t support it to save face but they finish what they want. Our politicians do this all the time by pretending things are contentious enough to only pass by 1 vote


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Thanks we're on our way

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lmao unhinged white trash filth

enjoy your visit

Be super afraid of Trudeau, I hear he has a rape whistle.
The Emperor has no clothes.

his family estate that he used $11 million taxpayer money to renovate and build an extra house for his """"wife"""" to live in with the kids

Venezuela 2.0, leaf. Have fun with that. It seems great for a while and later you starve. Defend the commie who is the son of Fidel Castro all you like. I will laugh as you fall.

Love rural af US.

this is some seriously low effort shilling
I guess I can't blame you for trying to appeal to the room temperature iq fascists on this board

This thread is glowing

Fucking burgers afraid of their own shadows.
I had so much faith in you guys.

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so we need to get all the natives to protest

If only they really were badasses and not degenerate scum lol

Seriously? I knew he was a wuss but I never imagined he would push the tyranny THAT far.

Natives enjoy gibs me dat. They only protest when attempting to obtain more gibs.

Based, but that's a tiny caliber.

He's a little guy.

>wanting freedom is fascism, but activating the emergencies act to force people to take a medicine from big pharma at the penalty of asset seizure or arrest is not

The gayest non lethal takeover in history. Senile pedo in America and castros son in Canada. Amazing times

the OP is praising trudeau

Guy isn't smart enough to think of this disbucal ploy all by himself. Whose doing this and pulling his strings. Whoever it is is destroying this idiots political career and he's too dumb to see it.

No u

Castro's bastard Trudy is overplaying his hand. He risks triggering an actual revolution. He thinks his population is disarmed via gun control. But, Canada shares a border with one of the most heavily armed populations.
FFS all he has to do is drop the vax /covid mandate on the truckers and this would end. What is his particular malfunction.