Nothing changes without unity

I've been here a while, I was full blown Any Forums at one point, I understand what motivates it. I won't dismiss any of the facts that get tossed around here about why to avoid, push back against, segregate from or hate another group/race of people.
But straight up you realize that this shit will never end until there is broad spectrum unity across mankind, and that it will end literally the second it does? I don't really care why you have any opinion toward any group. It could be valid or invalid, and I don't care to gaslight you over a valid opinion.
What I am saying is that despite any validity within your perception of others, this does not end without unity; as a strategist, you must acknowledge this reality.

How do you respond?

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Faggot commie scum

>dude, just compromise everything and things will get better
I guess mankind will have to wise up then.

what is with all these gay self referential threads this morning

>I understand what motivates it.
No you don't faggot.

I'm not a communist
I am not saying to compromise anything, but to acknowledge reality. It doesn't matter how you feel. Simple game theory says its true.
I don't know what you mean.

unity can be achieved in more than one way, by addition or subtraction

Yeah I do.
Actual evidence of foul play and horrible behavioral tendencies among other groups, coupled with a seemingly pervasive anti white bias/hatred, and fear.

Choose one and only one

kinship as in we're all humans-yes
unity- fuck no.
its grounds for a common ethos, which would be grounds for a one world government.

which would suck, since once abuse inevitably starts, who are you going to turn to?
>nationalism is the way
>competition will force everyone to look after their best interest

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It cannot in the sense of physical warfare. I won't assume that's what you're alluding to, but, if you're suffering that a strong unified body can be created out of the ashes of a conflict where all the opposition is dead, won't happen. You'll be dead too. Anything of that variety will be manipulated by the powers that be, and/or very quickly devolve into tribal war of all against all.

>Actual evidence of foul play and horrible behavioral tendencies among other groups, coupled with a seemingly pervasive anti white bias/hatred, and fear.

That's called nigger fatigue newfag

Lurk more

Opinions can be valid or invalid in the sense of being logical or not. Not in the sense of anyone having a right to them, anyone can believe anything, I will listen to them.

No. Your first mistake was assuming we're strategists. There is no "we".

Well, I sort of agree but it's complicated. I think I get what you mean, a sort of astroturfed unity where the NWO essentially says hey guys look we avoided a catastrophe, let's surrender our collective will to the HyperState and be unified. If that's what you mean, yeah I think about that a lot too and seek to undermine it any time they attempt it.

But that sort of unity is not what I mean. The difference lies in spiritual knowledge, I think. Humans have been abused by this monstrous system and these monstrous people, across the board, but all have also fed it. People feed it because they are afraid and feel powerless. The opposite of fear is love which breeds trust which reveals latent power. That is the sort of unity I mean.

Not an NWO "unity," or one where we all become the same. Just one where we understand one another as peers and can see the source of our mutual abuse with clarity.

Bro I've been here longer than you've been born kek
Not Any Forums even, just Any Forums generally

There is though. It's a decentralized "we," and not a totally congruent "we," but there are a common set of concerns that motivate everyone here.

A pipedream that is neither attainable or desirable. To understand other is by definition to lose self.

There will never be unity. Racial identity is a force of nature. Fighting it is folly. We learn this lesson time after time.

>but there are a common set of concerns that motivate everyone here
No, that's you living in a fantasy that people all deep down want the same thing. This is false.(and naive). Some of us want this struggle to never end. Reading your answers so far you can't even begin to grasp the notion. To a point you will deny it now.

To understand others is the only way to understand one's self, I think you are dead wrong. No disrespect intended.

As for a pipedream, tell that to the men who control the Earth and are about to unleash a silicon driven machine mind to "manage" it all. Seems like a pipedream don't it? But it's real.
All is possible, stops being possible the second you doubt.

I am not saying to dissolve racial heritages or phenotypes or anything like that. I am saying we should see them for what they are, products of a common nature created by God. And then we can get along, as different groups of people with their own nature's and contributions.

You are saying that to be contrarian, although, it is likely assured that there are people here who are on the side of never wanting the struggle to end. They are in the abject minority.

plebbitors think their surface level observations are genius

None taken. To be challenged is good.
>To understand others is the only way to understand one's self
This allows you to understand a prototype, not the iteration while the iteration dissolves because you start to see the prototype in action behind it. You essentially lose the illogical emotional part of self in the process. I've been there, egodeath is a process I find comparable to death. Had to build a false self afterwards to continue to function. No unity or understanding of others was gained.