Capitalism is literally retards, and zero sum. A pays b 100, b Pays a 99, a pays b 98 etc

Capitalism is literally retards, and zero sum. A pays b 100, b Pays a 99, a pays b 98 etc.
But also gdp=Autism. Everything started from grain, so all the values of gdp, wealth, and assets equaled over a year. Then this went to the money supply.
As a result the ratio of stock market cap to gdp remained almost constant. Then with the growth of mortgages and inflation the ratio became permanently skewed up. Initially this happened from subprime mortgages, which crashed, and the ratio went back to normal. The rental yield is because 30% of income goes to rent, then houses inflate to above gdp.
Then using the 7% rule 1% goes to maintenance or insurance, 1% management fee, then taxes take half. Thus mortgages grow a low percent a year.
Then the tech boom drives the other growth, which means the wealth to gdp should rapidly hit some high value. Obviously you'll all die in a few months of peak oil and that won't happen.
Now pol will stumble about, mumbling about black cock.

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shut up

>Capitalism is literally retards
>Need the expertise from a capitalist company to operate manufacturing in a communist nation

why don't we just get a negative tax rate till you make 100k changing with inflation.

only 1 in 17 men reproduced trough human history, guess what the rest where doing? they where slaves, because guess what 95% of human beings are basedcucks incapable of revolting and are happy to be slaved, like some pseudo eusocial organism, these basedcucks are commonly called NPCs or Goyim or Cattle, in the end their e existence is merely to be used by someone who have ability of critical thinking.
that's why communism is failed ideology, it pretends that the majority of the population are not pathetic boot licking creatures.well that and jews.

why don't you just shut up?

don't you got some maple syrup futures to be looking at?

>only 1 in 17 men reproduced trough human history,
That's fake, it's because the Y chromosome deteriorated.

guess what 95% of human beings are basedcucks incapable of revolting and are happy to be slaved, like some pseudo eusocial organism, these basedcucks are commonly called NPCs or Goyim or Cattle, in the end their e existence is merely to be used by someone who have ability of critical thinking.
that's why capitalism is failed ideology, it pretends that the majority of the population are not pathetic boot licking creatures.well that and jews.

largo chairo

>Zero sum
No it isn't you fucking moron. The basic tenant of capitalist thinking is, "a rising tide raises all ships"
Meaning a better working economy means more money for everyone.

It's you kikes who have such fragile egos, that you attack everyone you think threatens your base of imaginary power. It's why you get thrown out of countries every few decades.

You refuse to get it.

Well done jidf

don't you have the ability to shut up?

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Explain to me how regulated-capitalism, being socialism, is not the end-goal of humanity.

One must toil and work to be a part of society- the safety and security that society provides is payed through services, which allow said society to continue functioning. A service is payed with currency, which represents the direct value of the service provided: With this currency, an individual can freely invest in their own existence in society.

>For the retarded commie brain, basically: In a society, people make bread. To make that bread-making possible, you need all sorts of people working together. To make sure no one just takes the bread without putting into the community, we have money. You earn money by putting into the community via a service. her-der.

Now, different services have different worths in society- a person who makes dung pies on the street will not make as much as a factory-worker, because one service is more valuable then the other: One gets payed more the the other, and so the person who gets payed less is incentivized to climb the intellectual ladder and take upon themselves a more valuable service.

Communism doesn't work because there is no incentive in anything, and so by human nature, people will grow lazy and try to milk the system. And no, building work camps is not an answer you fascist.

You just gave me an aneurysm with this shit.

Let's assume your first contention is correct.
>Most people arent capable of management position (basically)
And this makes capitalism bad because...
It results in a heirarchical system?

... Do you ... Brain often?

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>is not the end-goal of humanity
Because anyone that thinks they can predict the "end goal of humanity" is stupid on a level that's hard to explain

>this makes capitalism bad because...
It results in a heirarchical system?
Capitalism is bad because you're too dumb to survive and are a waste of time.

The end goal of humanity is death, mustang will slaughter all of you.

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What was called capitalism in the 1930s was slave labor, convict leasing and primitive accumulation. Real capitalism didn't exist until recently.

>Capitalism is bad because you're too dumb to survive and are a waste of time
And it resulting in a system that has a strict heirarchical system where, ideally, the most skilled rise to management positions. In which those more skilled individuals then give their less skilled staff instructions to make them more efficient?

Like lol.
You realize Marx was a fucking moron right? I can prove it beyond any question.

The left supports cops because the afl. Libs don't see cops as the single and sole reason capitalism exists. They see it as just another job.

>And it resulting in a system that has a strict heirarchical system where, ideally, the most skilled rise to management positions. In which those more skilled individuals then give their less skilled staff instructions to make them more efficient?
But you're worthless, there's nothing to be efficient about except killing you. Which will happen in a few months from peak oil.

Some systems are objectively best. National-Socialism is THE best, hands down. It is most efficient and rational for humanity as of yet, and any system after that will apply to a race beyond humanity.

National-Socialism is the end goal for humanity because it works best despite Huamnity's flaws. The only way another system can be objectively better for humanity, is if humanity matures as a race and become higher than what we are now: Meaning, we lose our humanity and are not considered human now...

It's hard to explain user- Think, national socialism is the end-goal of humanity as we know it now.

Because it is.
You fucking idiot.

Name a SINGLE country, empire, kingdom, or city state that didn't have some form of a fucking police force. It's baked into the existence of any government that has ever been formed.

Providing security is literally the CORE of what makes a country even possible.

if communism wasn't full of fags and trannies and more kin to Stalin's nationalistic style of government, I would be more interested