Really makes u think

really makes u think

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Think about what, autist?

Dylan Matthews - a literal reptilian subhuman

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Cars and WWII I guess

No it doesn't you fucking heeb

just when you think you have seen the dumbest post on the internet op delivers

>hitler is …. LE BAD

>posting memes is now on the same level as actively participating in genocide or supporting it


maybe hitler was pretty fucking cool?

Wtf I double love cars now.

Cool story. Now do drug companies.

Damn, didn't know Subaru was also based

fuck Americans

this but replace it with the word 'kike'

Yeah, it really make me think how evils kikes truly are

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yeah, strange that companies that

>require skilled labor
>which requires higher pay
>which is benefited by local supply chains
>which creates strong communities
>which ends up with a tangible product
>which the product increases mobility of society
>which grows the independence of individuals
>which grows independent freedom

jeeeee i wonder why jews hate industrialists who create tangible items, high pay, high freedom, high mobility societies instead of just usury.

Bayer made zyklon b now they make "aspirin*

oh and the fact that since henry' fords original vision of employees making enough money to buy the product that they build; infinity (((financial institutions))) have been set up as middle men to facilitate the sales of the product from the people who should be able to afford it off the line. that seems strange.


Everything is Literally Hitler

No, zyklon b was made in chech republic, and was intended for agrocultural use.

Hm, maybe nazbol isn’t the way…

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>heh yea fellow goyim!
fuck off faggot

Subaru sounds based as fuck

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Um, lest we forget in this slide thread that BMW did more than just "use slave labour."

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No, it doesn't. It is cherry-picking. I can, as well, say that Tesla, Ford, VW, etc sell their cars in Russia, therefore they support Putin.

cars are based
thats why they're fagging them up with renewable energies and computers and kill switches, etc

No you.

They're trying so hard too, it's fucking transparent af

>made kamikaze planes
I guess we should boycott any car manufacturer whose vehicle gets used in the next mudslime truck of peace attack

mobility is the biggest enemy of globohomo. the personal automobile is literally what built america. that's what created the glory of the 40s-60s. fucking europeans were still cruising around on horses and bicycles and shit

getting vehicles down to 200-300 mile ranges is catastrophic for americans, that's not even enough to get across a lot of individual states until you have to stop for 8 hours to "refuel" where as with petroleum it just costs you 40 bucks and 2 minutes.

They want you to boycott all cars

Yeah, really makes my nigger bigger.

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yeah, sounds like nazis are pretty smart and made great things.

About what? Godwins law?

wow bro its almost like companies make shit during wartime so fucking DEEEEEEEP

Is he a convicted pedophile?