Vaccination rates are associated with IQ

Vaccination rates are associated with IQ

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didn't click, but it's coercing

Not really queer.

yes they are

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Wow what are they putting in those injections?
Bigger dick, higher IQ, more money in my bank account, is there anything the magic jab can't do?

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Daily reminder, the geriatrics in the ruling class, threw three hundred million people under the bus, because they were terrified of a cold virus, with a nearly one hundred percent recovery rate.

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>lowest IQ state
Surely they can't mean--



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Correlation != Causality

Vaxxies have aids.

Stop infection or transmission of covid 19

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Hehe. Feels good to be a low IQ retard. Fuck you smartasses, go get tested for AIDS

>Le dignified brown woman

No. It's directly related to how much a person trusts the media, government and big pharma.
Different people have different reasons for either trusting or distrusting these entities.

Well, there is this.

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Inverse bell curve. That's kinda what I figured.

But then there is this.

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Asians are more likely to blindly trust their government.
Seems right.

These people are in a cult. They don't realize it, but they're in a cult.

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>Accept that you have raised a midwit.

Midwits and trendies desperately seek approval of their peers. Also blacks don't want the vax so that skews the results.

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Reminds me of that reddit post where the hamplanet had a BMI of 56. Bacon grease flowed through her veins.

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Most people in a cult don’t realize they’re in a cult until they realize they’re in a cult…..yes, they’re in a cult.

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You're right.

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It must take a very large brain to do what the men in suits say that the men in white lab coats say you should do.

My IQ is 135+/-2
Never taking the jab.
Submitting to “experts” solely because they show you their credentials is not a high IQ thing to do

Iq is just good goy points thee days
Either way, sage this thread back to the spice cabinet.

What happened with this whore? Did she die?

Underlying factor is black people, but you knew that before you posted.

Pretty sure the kid is borderline brain damaged. No 18 yrs old needs that shitty vax unless they are 150 lbs overweight or diabetic

They are in a cult, they just do this for approval.

same, i know im in the 130-135 range and have read through multiple research papers that place great doubt on both the efficacy and more importantly safety of the jab. Never gonna take it.
This "smart ppl get the jab" is absolute garbage tier propaganda, unless they are conflating a college education with iq, which at this point in our nations educational history is about as accurate as reading tea leaves for stock market predictions. Fucking retards.