Canadians need to riot over this. You are second class citizens in your own country

Canadians need to riot over this. You are second class citizens in your own country.

Attached: 1645142510951.jpg (1280x959, 153.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"Your own country"

Attached: 771.jpg (600x600, 27.68K)

Oh nonononono, the absolute state of csnacùcks

So are we

Wait until Americans look up the gladue act.

Native Americans get lighter sentencing because of their hard upbringing. Also they can go to healing lodges instead of prison

They also recieve billions every year from the federal government through numerous native/media only programs


Post the link you fucking faggot


Imagine still following laws.

Attached: 1601420562150.gif (400x300, 1.93M)


That's right, stolen land. Canada is going tits up and it's fun to watch. Fuck the Canucks. Day of the rake!

What if I'm part native?

This govt is an illegitimate terrorist organization so nothing they say matters. They also don't have the muscle to do anything too drastic so it's mostly just posturing.

again.. with this thread
its been debunked several times
what are you trying to accomplish here..

Fuck you CSIS faggot, here's the screenshot from your own god damn link.

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-02-17 19-21-41.png (2348x1000, 385.02K)

not my problem

can you read?
It says that a foreign national cannot enter into canada (non canadian citizen) unless they are entering as a refugee or they hold indian status

post the actualy subsection that the exemption is referring to

Prohibition — entry to Canada — foreign national

3 (1) A foreign national must not enter Canada with the intent to participate in or facilitate an assembly referred to in subsection 2(1).


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to

(a) a person registered as an Indian under the Indian Act;
(b) a person who has been recognized as a Convention refugee or a person in similar circumstances to those of a Convention refugee within the meaning of subsection 146(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations who is issued a permanent resident visa under subsection 139(1) of those regulations;
(c) a person who has been issued a temporary resident permit within the meaning of subsection 24(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and who seeks to enter Canada as a protected temporary resident under subsection 151.1(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations;
(d) a person who seeks to enter Canada for the purpose of making a claim for refugee protection;
(e) a protected person;
(f) a person or any person in a class of persons whose presence in Canada, as determined by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration or the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, is in the national interest.

>Doing something other than handing out roses to police officers
Choose one

Looks like it's time to add "mostly" to your peaceful protest, Truckers.

Attached: Mostly.png (960x494, 631.89K)

>It says that a foreign national cannot enter into canada (non canadian citizen) unless they are entering as a refugee or they hold indian status
Or if they're a "protected person", AKA nonwhite or faggot.

then they will send the secret police to disappear you

Every day we stray further away from a peaceful resolution.


Attached: extrememeasures.png (1130x89, 12.26K)


took 10 seconds to find

Attached: refugeeact.png (856x370, 30.56K)

>protected persons
All the truckers have to do is say they are transgender.

That's not the generally understood definition of "protected person" and you still haven't addressed (f.). The application of the law is entirely subjective.

It's impossible to follow the law. There's too many. Attorneys made sure that if you get into trouble, you need an expensive one rather than public defender, to have a chance of survival, preferably several. In the case of a lawsuit, the person with the most money, influence, and largest team of lawyers wins.

Thanks for making a simple system so fucking complicated. And everyone wins except the lower caste.

Attached: Evil Laughter Salem.gif (500x330, 618.89K)