Reagan Destroyed America

Reagan's presidency coincides with the beginning of the end of America.

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But, of more important matters:

Carter destroyed the federal government with Executive Service.
Reagan was an just an actor, like Trump.
America's last legit President was a guy named Richard Nixon.

Every president has had a hand in it.
Wilson with the creation of the federal reserve.
FDR with the new deal
Nixon with the abandonment of the Breton woods agreement
Bush the second with the iraq war and the patriot act.
Biden cancelling keystone pipeline

Don't forget, Regan was the one that first gave amnesty to millions of illegal beaners. He opened the floodgates that cause the immigration crisis that is still ongoing to this day.

>zero citation to policies
nice try hillary

Why did you start the chart at 1970?
Seems fake to me.

I wonder what happened in 1975.

One for the gipper. One right up tje pooper.

Wrong, faggot.

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America was destroyed economically in the late 70s when it removed the gold standard. That's when you see worker wages stagnate. Reagan's true crime was his mass amnestry for illegals in California, which signaled the beginning of the end for that state.

Fash the Nation did a great episode a few years ago about all the bad things Reagan was responsible for. I suggest everyone give it a listen.

kill yourself, boomer retard. you don't belong here.

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Really it was George H W his VP, and former CIA director. Don't go look into the guy who tried to Assasinate Reagan and who his dad was and was friends with haha...

This, and he threw the schizo homeless onto the streets too.

Breton Woods System Collapse and opening the market to china.

Breton Woods crippled us, Nixon put the deathnail in.

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neck yourself kike

>America's last legit President was a guy named Richard Nixon.
Yep, and he finalized the complete sabotage of the dollar, which is what actually cased all these problems (though mass immigration and amnesty sure didn't help).

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The destruction of the US began with the anti-white Hart-Celler Act (1965), the Higher Education [i.e. Blank Check (((Loans))) for Retards to give to Communists]] Act (1965), the Orphan Drug [i.e. free medicine for Europe at our expense] Act (1983) and China being accepted into the WTO (Dec. 2001) were what killed the US. Don't forget it.