Why is it always Asian reporters/journos who try to dox whites for stories?

First it was Jason Nguyen (ABC4 - Salt Lake City) who d*xxed a firefighter/paramedic who donated $10 to Kyle Rittenhouse's legal fund. He actually went to the guys house and tried to interview him there. The firefighter was fired from his job over the $10 donation.

Then you had Irene Byon (MSNBC/NBC News) who instructed a local reporter to follow the jury bus in the Rittenhouse case in an attempt to d*x jurors.

And now you have Alison Mah (Ottawa Citizen/Sun) who d*xxed a bunch of the Canada Trucker Protest donors who used GiveSendGo, which was recently hacked and had its data leaked. One of the people she d*xxed had to shut down her business due to threats.

I thought Asians were based and heckin' redpilled? What happened bros? Do you still believe in the "muh Asian tradwife" myth?

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a lot of american asians will try to be down with black people by shitting on white people. not just asians do it but all non-whites do. hispanics do it too

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all non-whites in the US that is*

i don't think foreign asians think that way

Yuck. Look at these bug people. I don't understand why why white men find these creatures attractive. They lack souls.
Stop buying into the Asian myth. They aren't your allies.

i want a foreign east asian. i am not interested in westernized asians

Attached: high heels sakura 190418 아이즈원 IZ_ONE 상암 팬사인회 - 사인회 종료 IZONE [xHY5kH3JidA]-[15.24.223-15.31.197].webm (380x1080, 2.42M)

Because asians can't stand you despite what yellowfever nigs say

No chinks are obedient slaves loyal to the hive. They still out there wearing masks outside and alone to demoralize the white populace.

If she was raised in the west, she is not Asian. Simple as.

>I thought Asians were based and heckin' redpilled?
They're bugs, why would you think bugs are based?

Because they're weak, submissive and their Jewish editors are more than happy to throw them under the bus to get a scoop and terrorize a private citizen they don't like.

Most people raised in the America lack a soul. It's that simple.

> Asian
they're chinese and vietnamese communists, fucktardo

westernized asians don't have the mentality and beauty standards of real asians
that's why they look different and act different

no westernized asian girls look like this or act like this. they even have different mannerisms

Attached: legs 190418 아이즈원 IZ_ONE 상암 팬사인회 - 사인회 종료 IZONE [xHY5kH3JidA]-[14.48.087-14.53.926].webm (996x1080, 2.75M)

This too.

Bugs are soulless subhumans. What's new

Asians make the best spies
>high IQ
meme but keep in mind that their parents managed to escape from Asia
>child looking
can be looking as a child, or a male, or a female

God damn theyre so hot

it's an unsavory job and asians are careerists who want to please their superiors to get ahead.

Not exactly. Most Chinese and Vietnamese are. They torture their food before they eat it.

tricking facial recognition inbuild

Incels on here havent been exposed to the real world

Whites have no allies

you must have a visceral reaction to eunseo's jew nose

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disgusting. no soul. robotic movements. no love for the white man.
Wrong. ALL asians need the rope.
Get a hold of yourself faggot. They're built like little boys. No tits. No ass. No legs. No body. Stick figures.

Attached: zweF3HXtXEphe7C.png (755x711, 779.52K)

Asians hate whites and want to take over their countries.

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They all look the same.
How can you find those creatures attractive? You know they hate you and your race right?

Asians are fucked in the head. They move to America from communist china after being persecuted and are vehemently anti commie. Then their kids, literally one generation in, go full blown Silicon Valley commie retard and want all the same oppressive shit imposed on society that their parents tried to escape from. I thought these people were supposed to be high IQ.

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>I’m a coping leftwing faggot

westernized asians are cucks. it's all black men doing violence against asians

sure you will have some instances of white people saying racist shit to asians but it's not the same as the violence done to asians by blacks. blacks are actually punching asians and stabbing them

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why are whites, such cowards, now? in my home country, we kill journalists that talk shit so this what I'm reading should be punishable by death. I would hang the journo from a bridge overpass. ruining my carry my lively hood might as well take your life rat

So what? They are part of jew anti white coalition, same as niggers. Main goal is to replace whites.

Seething roastie

Asians have the biggest inferiority complex to whites from all races. No race wants to be more desperately white than asian, especially Chinese will seethe upon only seeing a white person.

Whites, particularly conservative/right wing whites are controlled opposition. The U.S. lets them larp with their little pistols and rifles but ultimately they know that white men will never fight back no matter how many weapons they stockpile. That's why guns haven't and will never be fully banned in the U.S. like they are in other countries. Keep the whites happy by not banning their guns while acknowledging they won't ever do shit. It's a win/win for the joos.

It's because there too weak to fight you so they act like a woman and try to shame you. It's just chad testing if your a true chad you just take it in stride.

why am i not surprised that a buck toothed bong is simping for ugly asian woman. a white woman wouldn't even look twice in your direction. so you have to settle for the ugly, homely looking bug women.

why don't you live in your "home country" if you're so tough? going to the west like a dog with a tail between its legs just to talk shit isn't convincing.

like I said.. s e e t h i n g

Stormfags have unrealistic expectations and delusions of grandeur. Of all things, they need the rope as they are mentally defective man children who can't go one second without stroking their own cock. So fuck all these stormfags with a fiery zeal.

Because that's what their Jewish bosses pay them to do.

Because all asians of non-japanese origin are slimy faggots, and even the japanese have been slipping recently.