Im at a crossroads Any Forums...

im at a crossroads Any Forums, how can I possibly continue to justify attempting to help those who will clearly not help themselves?

the chinese , the jews , the obvious psyops , subversion , narrative, yet all are simply blind to it. whether this be because they are unwilling an unable, willing but unable or able but unwilling.

you could have all the evidence you ever needed and you could scream to you were blue in the face, and it wouldn't change a fucking thing.

the entire ruling elite could run a superbowl commercial where they stand on stage with their nutsacks hanging out of the front of their pants and describe to the entire world exactly what they are doing and it would literally not do a single thing

yeah , glownigger glownigger, im not one but maybe I should fucking become one because it has becoming increasingly clear to me that these people you seek to save do not want to be saved and this is the sad but true reality of the situation

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> how can I possibly continue to justify attempting to help those who will clearly not help themselves?
you cant. this mentality is a problem. you cant force anyone to do anything, even if it’s in their own best interest. that is coercion. people must make their own choices

they are already , clearly being coerced and they are not making their own choices in that lies the problem of the fact that they are willing to allow themselves to be coerced because its just easier that way

your post was fucking bait and a poor gaslight attempt but had truth to it to a certain degree

I've already passed that crossroads. Don't help NPCs. They are literally NPCs I don't even see them as people anymore. I care about the 20% that isn't NPCs and that's it. The rest is getting what they actually deserve.

They're slaves. Some people say that natural selection (nature) made a slave class on purpose, as some sort of evolution. Certain people are hardwired to have the "brains of slaves" and "no soul" because nature made them to serve.

basically Leaders vs Followers are a natural caste system, you are just lucky you didn't get the follower brain. I don't know about "Leader" brain either there may be a 3rd type somewhere in between.

I can tell if someone is left or right-wing just by looking at their face. So how could you possibly change things like that?

if u can't beat em join em (the elite)
they are unable and unwilling to help themselves and attack u when u try to, so just exploit them (the poor)

That's the thing user, you can't. The concept of forcing people to do anything against their will is why your country is as fucked as it is now. The only way to help them is to get them to see your point for themselves. That's why the vax rhetoric falls apart under any degree of scrutiny, and why the people involved with it are so apt to disallow discussion on it at all, even if the people talking about it are high-tier university grads with backgrounds in shit like virology and immunology.

thats just it though and the whole concept of the post , its not that they cant see it , its that they are unwilling or unable to see it

who are we to say that is what they deserve?

perhaps this is true i am not sure

there is just one problem with this user, I am the poor

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Im not sure if I understand what you mean by that , there are people who change belief but I suppose that you post would imply that you would be able to tell if someone was left or right by their face even if they are a right person who identifies as left? perhaps?

You can't be mad at most people for not seeing shit when they had the wool pulled over their eyes before they even knew what was going on. Fuck, the only people able to get a gun for a while after the pandemic officially started were people like myself who got one when the first "new flu" reports were coming out of Wuhan. Just post hard, irrefutable fact and ask them the kinds of questions that snap their metaphorical spine if they try to answer in a way that purely conforms with the narrative. Managed to keep some good friends with this, but it assumes they have the capacity for any thought outside of groupthink.

if you're smart, you can stop being poor
join the elite

doesn't work dog because the stronger you come on the harder they pull back. To put an idea into someones brain you have to do it slowly so you try reverse engineering 20-30-40 years of conditioning its not fucking possible and ontop of that they dont even fucking want to reverse it in the first place or they dont know they want to , one of the two

>how can I possibly continue to justify attempting to help those who will clearly not help themselves?
salvation comes from within. seek and ye shall find. you absolutely cannot explain it to anyone or get them to understand it, they must want to do it themselves.

this is not possible anymore, the ship of this generation has all but sailed, not to say it is impossible but highly improbable

and yet therein lies the original problem, for who is to understand if none are willing?

am I really doomed to be buttfucked into oblivion by inflation surrounded by people i despise?

perhaps the is the true origin and inherent meaning behind the term

fuck niggers

Satan smiled

glad atleast he thinks its funny, fuck it ima die someday anyway fuck worldly possessions I just hermit it out. satan is a dickhead anyway but jesus is kind of a nigger too