All the countries around Germany are lifting all their restrictions, even Austria

>all the countries around Germany are lifting all their restrictions, even Austria
>meanwhile our ZOG still talks about making the rules harsher

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Can Germans make a freedom convoy


If Reddit was a country, it would be Germany

Yes but all their BMW’s are in the shop being fixed

they fake opening up anyway it is just
temporary due to french and US elections

they're trying to make hitler come back

No kikes are hanging, nothing will change for the long term. Thibgs will get worse before next winter

depends on the US elections

They are welcome to try.
At this moment though, it seems the timeline is shifting. They get caught in lie after lie and the vaxxx mandate tyrants are getting heat from ever side.

Austrian cancellor said that vaxxx mandate may be not the solution after all.
Media have been given to a go to go after Shizobach ("Angstminister")
CDU retreated into an mandate 50+ after being 18+ before.
Health insurance assocation said it won't act as the politicans Golem
VAXX mandate in healthcare is stopped in two counties so far

They have great difficulties in enacting the great resoot.
If they do it anyways, despite the tides shifting, it will be the biggest political suicide in European history. Scared geriatrics won't save them

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everything will drop and open in march

No it depends on wether we are getting a real holohoax this time. Fucking Germans you gave them the victim position without even really gassing kikes. Fuck you.

Anyone who thinks that the lockdowns and all the other shit that comes with them are actually over can think again. It will never be over. All the mask wearing and injections are just on a brief pause they are coming back, have no doubt of that.

this, just how power works

All vaccines are jewish poison, and jews hate the germans the most. They will try to murder as much as they can with the clotshot in your country, but they only enforce it on whites. If you want it to end, it's not enough to burn the vaccination centers, you have to burn all the synagogues and jews (this time for real).

Oh neim!
A new corona variant has appeared and its alot more deadly. Help pharma companies and dont forget to put some of that money in my pockets.
Also fp2 masks are not working against it we need the more expensive fp5 masks. And dont forgrt unvaxxed work with nazis so if you are unvaxxed you are a nazi too!!!

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John Hopkins Uni just now published a grand study.saying that Lockdowns never worked.

It's over for Covidiots. The SCIENCE! Has changed.

the children took it without whining you selfish bigot
yes sideffects means that it is working, it not working is
a sign that it works too

All restrictions here will be dropped on 1. April....vacc certicicate already gone and masks only in public tranport....feels good man

Do not despair German brother France is with you. We still have the vaccine pass and all. I guess we will compete for the king of globohomo award at some time. Good luck out there fren

there are going to more serious strains user. they are going to cover up the vax deaths and continue with depopulation.

Käfermenschen wollten es.
Käfermenschen kriegen es.
Käfermenschen sind die Herrenrasse

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