Wordle 243 5/6

Wordle 243 5/6

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man its too late for puzle solv

wordle is 2ez ascend to the next level

Best opening doesnt work now

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Please tell me someone else saw 13 = 50

You fucking asshole

why are boomers obsessed with this shit?

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I don't know. This game honest to God looks like something I would have made as a comp sci 101 final project. Actually this would probably not be complex enough.

Better Game

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How are you not? It's 5-10 minutes of continues thinking and trying to crack the puzzle. It's engaging and there is no grind, because there cannot be any. I like it.

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Do you do the English one or is there like a Romanian version?


fuck this

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I do the one that was bought by NY Times. There probably is some romanian version made by someone but I never heard of it. Currently trying to figure the puzzle posted by the australian user.

This is awesome. Found today's word in 47 guesses.

This is insane. I’m getting there

It's fucked up. I'm stuck at 61 similarity with 997/1000 so I'm very close and I can't think of another word similar to what I already have.

Yeah I’m fucked

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dude you were boned here, too many words that hold those 4 letters in that position

seals was a terrible guess

Got there in 3 words
Next guess was right
Such a meme

Just start with adieu, it lets you figure out which vowels will be there and I get there in 3 almost everyday

Prove it

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There are over 5 words that start "Sha" and end in "e". So finding today's word was not that easy.

I’m a fucking idiot, should have realized it wasn’t “SHARE” since CRATE revealed there was no R. Still, SHAxE is like 10 possible words.

Just tell us if it's a word or a phrase cause that condition isn't really helping.

19 guesses...

The trick is use rule out as many of them as possible by guessing a word that contains most of the 4th letters. Shame, shape, shade… so a word with M, P, and D but without S, H, A, or E… “moped” would light up one of the letters if it was in the final word so instead of making 3 guesses you make one