Is she right Any Forums?

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Yeah women shouldn't work.

no. sucks to suck.

why did she say "white men"? all working men had this luxury
oh, is she trying to belittle the idea?

i don't know, you may want to ask that on reddit.

What? Wamen can't compete on a 'level' playing field? Never.

>wah wah i can't do the job well compared to white men

Dumb cunt.

So she's saying they had better lives AND got more work done. Based AOC recognizing white superiority.

She's not wrong.

Unfortunately, like most women, she's too stupid to understand that working in some office during her reproductive years is a waste of her life, and that capitalism used her to double their workforce for free.

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My wife thinks women who work are stupid.

because (((Achenbach)))

Yeah, what a revelation, European/white civilization was much better before Jews and their 'progressive' minions took over and wrecked it.

Even if she had someone doing all that for her she would still whinge about something.

>why did she say "white men"? all working men had this luxury
>oh, is she trying to belittle the idea?
No. She is just focused on the performance aspect. Nobody can compete with white men who lack distractions at home and at work.

Trying to live up to the standards set by a white man who can focus on work makes non males and non whites burned out. It is an impossible standard to reach for them.

>Dumbass women saying stupid shit everywhere and being taken seriously by midwits
Social media just needs to be shut down entirely. My god. End female emancipation.

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But here in Japan my wife does all the cooking and cleaning and still works
We are very happy


Productivity demands have actually increased. I remember offices slowing down with everyone shooting the shit waiting for a single fax. Now you are always available and you need to wait for nothing. Constant work, if you finish your share, here's more as a reward.

You can never feel like you are doing well no matter how efficacious you are. Its natural that people get exhausted.

What if you're just shit.

It really is an advantage though, having a stay at home wife. Not having to clean, cook, shop, do laundry, pay bills, run errands, it makes life a lot easier.