The election is in 52 days

The election is in 52 days.
What's your prediction?

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Macron is reelected because he appeals the to lowest common denominator
the boomer centrists and the zoomer left wing will throw their votes at him to prevent any ultranationalist from ever winning
>inb4 mutt
fuck and suck

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they are selected not elected you dumb fuck

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hoping for legitimiste coup and bourbon restoration

Zemmour is stagnant at 14%, less than Le Penn or Pécresse
if zemmour makes it to the second round, or wins the election, it is proof that kikes control everything

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rightwingers btfo like every time

Macron wins because not enough boomers died of Covid/vaccine.
Only the leaders she deserves.

Zemmour polled at 15% recently and Pécresse is crashing. Yesterday, one of Le Pen's top lieutenants switched sides and joined Zemmour.

I'm hoping for Zemmour but am not optimistic. Even Portugal which is relatively conservative population voted in a socialist this year, how is France with all its muslims, negroes, and socialists supposed to do better than that?

so do you think he'll win? seems like Macron is going to sweep the floor

the French leftoids won't make it to the second round, so they'll have to vote for either Macron ("centre-left") or some "right wing" candidate
you think a nigger from Guyana will vote zemmour?

bruuh zemmor wants to send me back to shithole algerian because im an arab?? fuck that go macron 2022

Hopefully something good happens for our French anons.

Honestly, I do not think he can beat Macron, but he can certainly reach the second round and make a lasting impression.
The French right has been historically divided between two blocks: the center-right (formerly RPR and UMP, now LR) and the national right (formerly FN, now RN). These two have always despised each other and never allied. The center-right's position has always been to ally with the center or the left against the nationalists. That policy has always been maintained even though the voter base is much more open to alliances than the leadership. Zemmour's strength is that he's demolishing that artificial wall between these two blocs. His party draws from both former LR and former RN officials and voters. Even if he doesn't win in 2022, he can unite the right.

Bro... You need to go back

Election of what? Please, elect somebody to never let your country enter ze war. Can you?

> (((something)))

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why bro ?? i dont even like that shithole

You won't be sent back if you have the French nationality. However, ready yourself to name your children with French names.

sounds like cope
you realize we're on a time limit, right? and we're almost out of time.

the zoomers are all fluoride babies brainwashed by american neoliberalism sponsored by Israel, and a majority of them aren't even white.
if someone like Zemmour doesn't win in 2022, it's unironically over.

look at Germany, the anglosphere, and Sweden. In less than 10 years they have been completely conquered by the mongrel swarth imported by globohomo.

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