Jewish run Canadian Parliment BTFO Trudeau for accusing Holocaust survivors

For standing with the Nazi Swastika. I had no idea there were so many holocaust survivors or descendants of holocaust survivors in the House of Parliament.

Super powerful. Trudeau should apologize right fucking now. You dont mess with the Jews that run Canada or minimize how much they have suffered.

Attached: trudeau is a nazi.jpg (682x489, 93.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

they're packed full of jews
same with yoru city boards, your municipality boars
your provincial legilatures and the govenrment of canada's

It's over.

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Oh I’m a Potato Famine survivor. Fuck off, everyone wants to be a victim

Looks like a spic

He put his name in brackets too lol wtf.

Canada is supersaturated with ignominious kikes in every direction at every level: absolutely insufferable.

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>the jew reveals itself

how much potential does this have to redpill the masses on the jews? of all the fucking things Trudeau has done, what if making a jew upset is ultimately what forces him to resign?

There is nothing wrong with Zionism, it cannot be nationalism if it's Jewish because Jews cannot be fascist or racist.
>dilate cattlegoy


fucking hell Trudoodoo may be biggest spastic in politics ever

It’s all so goofy. The faux outrage. The canned answers. Embarrassing.

Okay, is there anyone in this parliament who isn't jewish?

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no even the indians are jewish

Like the jews in parliament did not consider the truckers to be white nazi's
They only feign their disappointment when they themselves are called nazi's and only pretend to support the truckers now that their coronated great reset failed and try to cover up their own complicity in those 2 years of tyranny.

Trudeau is now their patsy and they sacrificed him. Ironically this backstabbing will make Trudeau become a nazi

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you can take peoples rights no problem, they will demonize them in the press, but say something to a jew and its over, huh

The real answer to her question is sometime after 2012.

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Muh swastika. Get bent you fucking cucks, Canadian politicians are fucking fags.

I'm actually going to miss Trudy when he's gone... psych

yeah they don't care that the citizens are being gulaged, only cares about mean words