Antivax terrorists btfo'd

Canada will now be freezing the bank accounts of anyone who fights against the covid mandates that protect us from the covid eradicating humanity.
I cant wait for this to be implemented araund the world these terrorists deserve to have their money taken away and starve in their stupid trucks for promoting these dangerous views.
Get vaxxed chud and wear your 2 masks.

Attached: antivax terrorists btfod.png (1118x801, 468.14K)

I hope you get to watch your mom your daughter your sister your wife raped in front of you and then their throats slit why you watch helplessly.

Attached: pol-14.webm (576x720, 2.02M)

>design society to reduce a man to his bank account
>cut him off from his bank account
good way to start a war.

>good way to start a war.

>be in debt
>they close my bank account because I post on a peruvian panflute board
Oh no!

She got her kids taken away by cps after this video.

Oh wait nvm they were just foster kids she was taking care of them until they get adopted.
I read that wrong.

Remember that those are paid foreign agents whose mission is to destabilize the west.

Attached: 8357272563.gif (348x372, 1.61M)

Absolutely niggertier

Military refused to assist.
Peel Police refjsed to assist.
Push back from some RCMP.
Pushback from some if not Most Ottawa Police.
Red cross Askin for MRIs, not needed Canada has more then enough, red cross has enough, so its psychological warfare and fear mongering. Intimidating prepers and veteran groups among them reporting news and international intel that dosent make it on the news and desks of most that it should...
False flags fail, one after another.
Power lost in public.
Unlawfuly mandates, act invocations and unlawful acfions, freason and crimes against humanity...
Foregn group aiding, including ccp soldiers in civilian clothing on our land aiding world bitch delusional parasite group aka traitors, so next flag wont be false it will be their desperation and taking down others with them!
WWIII not starting, and if it does start limited and not in their favour.
They cant hide injuries by this thing, and tlcrimes, World Rises, Resistance world wide of people who were Tyranicaly tortured and threatened, so time is short for perpetrators, expect severe attack, real ones not false flags that dont work!

They wanted to bring foregn armies, they have so they can destroy Canada, and keep in mind primeryegoal is decemation of the only thing that stand in bbbetter US, whos people wont accept it unless they are reset and whats left begs for survival... so they isolated it, using Canada, South... and internal attacks...

Dangerous times.
Either Military removes them or the flag they pull will affect North America so severly we wont stand a chance, none, not people civilians, not the pupets they will throw under thr buss, not our Militaries or Intel agencies, they know too much, they will be sunk and if they furthrr betray us and dont stop the perps they cant hold power, because people of the world will resist, what they feard US citizens will do the World is doing, resisting, they did not expdct this much Uncontrollable resistance again key Uncontrollable... Danger!

Cant wait to laugh when I see you hanging from the noose at the public execution of the antivax terrorists i will piss on your grave and i hope ghosts are real so you can watch me doing it, fuming and unable to do anything about it. :)

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This but unironicly.

I can confirm from 9 years of research and from personal experience that ghosts are, without a doubt, real. There are also multiple kinds of them and they may or may not be paired with the actual spirit (there are NPC ghosts). They eventually dissolve in a certain part of the astral planes. I'm actually working over last two nights on transcribing a book about it all from physical to electronic form so eventually I'll have it done and uploaded and you can read it.

>Also a retarded niggertier faggot
No wonder both hitler and stalin wanted to destroy poland and the allies didnt help

>a nigger trying to use nigger tier as a insult

>believing the "wewuzkangs"ers
Literally the european version of the sub-saharan african

>I’m a literal retard who thinks covid is deadly
Why do you low IQ faggots come here? And why are there so many shitskin faggots in Poland?

>I’m a retarded coping shitskin and I seethe with anger at Any Forums existence
You will never be white


Based, email it to me [email protected]

>already dead
>fierce warriors
>average IQ 94
>strength in numbers
>thirsty for justice

Attached: battlesheep-nothing-to-lose.jpg (536x465, 59.43K)

Its my money and I want it now

>terrorists deserve to have their money taken away and starve
If that's the case than government shouldn't be in control of any.

I couldnt care less about if Cleopatra was white or black.
Modern day egyptians look like this and thats a fact and youre not about to tell me you see a group of white people in this photo.

Attached: egyptians.jpg (480x303, 26.7K)