Omicron to morph to Upsilon variant

You cannot escape the virus

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Fucking kek if omicron's "symptoms" were just the sniffles, what's that going to be now? You caugh twice a week?
Herb all phoneposting iTrannies

Upsilon will infect our brains and turn us into downsilons

what happened to all the other variants lol

You think people still use flipphones? People always want the newest shit.

What is the logic behind those names? Are they using greek letters because it's le cool?

Bitch imma trying to die from this shit since the first month.
Unfortunately it seems i'm immune to it, or that it doesn't fucking exists.

fuck trainspotters and virusspotters

how many variants is this? 10? 20?
I don't know how to garypost someone do it for me


Upsilon deez nuts

All across the STEM fields, using Greek letters to denote things has always been common place, because of their similarity to Latin letters, while being notably different.


Aaaaaah a new Covid variant just flew through my nasal cavity!!!!

>end mask mandates for superbowl
>uptick in cases, oh no we need to wear masks again
>those chuds wont wear their masks, its causing the cases!
Why are normies like this? They will just completely ignore they ended the mandates for a football game and not see a connection.

You think the variants are bad now? Wait until they start forming compounds.
Protip: The most deadly combo is
Mu Alpha Lambda Alpha Kappa Alpha Sigma

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Pizdu pizdu lololol

right on time, Russia isn't getting the attention it needs


Thats just what they officially go with, technically every single person who has had it and transferred it gave away a new variant. This means we must further enforce lock downs we must start force vaccinating people. Its the only way to squash this unkillable common cold.

Oh no, not the sniffles again!

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The skipped Nu and Xi. The fuckers can't into alphabets.