Okay I've finally taken the fascism pill. Democracy doesn't work. I know my beliefs are correct...

Okay I've finally taken the fascism pill. Democracy doesn't work. I know my beliefs are correct, and nothing will ever change my enemies' mind. What other solution is there for this besides violence?

>this post glows
Yeah, I'm well aware of that. I'm just blackpilled beyond belief.

To preface all of this, I've considered myself a libertarian for years. I voted for Trump twice because I believed free speech was the most important issue and he stood for free speech. I thought to myself
>humans are rational people. if you just argue with them on the merits, you can convince anyone into seeing the right side
I've spent the last week trying to infiltrate leftists discord servers, and it has become abundantly clear that they hold completely incoherent beliefs and refuse to engage in any legitimate debate. They believe that every problem in the world is because of unjust, arbitrary hierarchies. They refuse to acknowledge basic biological realities and instead insist that everyone is a blank slate that can be molded by society into perfection if society is perfected. Of course this is nonsense. Men and women aren't equal. People of different races aren't equal. Nobody is born equal. There are smart people and stupid people. There are strong and weak people. None of this equality nonsense makes any sense, but these people will insist it's true until the day they die, because they believe they're fighting for compassion. And sure, sentiments of equality sound nice, but destroying all cultural norms and redistributing wealth because the wealthy "don't deserve it" is causing civilization to collapse.

So I'm tired of pretending we can coexist with these people. They won't ever change their mind, and neither will I. There is no form of democratic compromise that resolves this. One side will eventually have to give up, and I won't accept defeat just because I'm in the minority.

What now?

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Other urls found in this thread:


nothing, you are born in the wrong time

Join Patriot Front but we’re probably going to lose anyway.

Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Ephesians 6:11 KJVAE

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Just because democracy is a failed concept does not mean that fascism is in any way remotely better. The argument and the reasoning behind democracy shouldn’t be that the people are good-natured and responsible enough to govern themselves, It should be that humans are so inherently corrupt and dishonest that no man can be trusted with absolute power. Is democracy bad, yes but fascism would be far worse.

fascism doesn't work either, idiot.
only theocratic monarchy works.

Dude the patriot front is literally a fed organized honey pot. Shits literally a glow fest. I’m not one to go and label everything under sun is controlled opposition but the patriot front screams federal government.

Hitler is also an atheist who didn’t like religion and thought it was a weakness

True, but unfortunately there will always be people who want power, and the people who "just want to be left alone" will eventually be dragged into conflict. The only way to stop evil is to confront it and destroy it.

>"if i repeat the lie enough..."
hitler was a christian but he was a woeful sinner.


I’m not against confronting and destroying evil when does necessary, Thomas Jefferson said that is not only the right but also the duty of the people to periodically overthrow tyrannical government bodies when they become tyrannical and disregard the constitution. The tree of liberty has long been needing to watered

It’s not a fucking lie he literally said he wasn’t religious himself

Took the pill several months ago. These last two years have solidified it.

Do you believe a man can believe in morality if he does not believe in God?

>he literally said he wasn’t religious
that has nothing to do with being a christian, user.
not being religious just means you don't do the rituals.

Any human country is run by Satan and his devils for now. Jesus's reign will be authoritarian and perfectly good. Just focus on your life and your sphere of influence for now. You shouldn't focus on committing to any political ideology. Just take things issue by issue and see what works in your life, then your family, and then your community. God will expand your sphere when you are ready.

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Fascism is right, look how it threatens our enemy and the shills

Any form of racial nationalism will win. This is why kikes Shill so hard against it.

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Strength through Joy

German labor front


Fascist syndicalism

Fascist economic policy

Labor Charter

Verona Manifesto

General Confederation of Labor, Technology and Arts

Socialization of the economy

Mussolini on the Corporate State

Germany's economic preparations for waramazon.com/dp/B0007HPZT2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J6BKN565QWTJT2YMPEGD

Germany's Economic Preparations for Waramazon.com/dp/B0000CKCRT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_ZSPJYTWTV3Q7525A0RR3



nigga. you had rand paul in 2016. DID NOBODY REPORTED ON HIM?

hitler was a pagan.

Proof of christ comes through repentance


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He was a good Catholic boy. Hail Mary

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>Any form of racial nationalism will win
and fascism isn't about race, it's about money.
therefore, it's jewish at it's core because jews own money.

Find Jesus

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Nothing about the patriot front appears natural or genuine. A random group appears out of nowhere that no one‘s actually heard about prior and start doing demonstrations. This wasn’t something people were even talking about before and this wasn’t a situation that started to slowly spiral it just went from 0 to 100. That screams fed, also the patriot front is too artificial. It’s almost mechanical in the way they operate like they’re following a playbook on what they’re supposed to do or white people in our government think they would do. Is there 100% direct proof that it is largely mobilized by feds know but there’s a lot of things that point to it being away for feds to get your information and screw you over. There’s a lot of small situations that also point to the fact that something is going on. The patriot front at one of the protests had the license plates on their vehicles removed, if any genuine right wing rally tried to do this they would all get arrested immediately especially in a place like Washington DC but the patriot front was able to be completely left alone with their vans, their unmarked vans that they showed up in.

but pope pius condeemed them

Do you actually fucking believe that Hitler was in any way moral

The rituals are fucking retarded and don’t mean shit anyway

Just chill. Participate or don't, history will inexorably and inevitably move forward with or without your input. Focus on having a family honestly, so your progeny can enjoy the next golden age

I have no idea why Christians think that image would make anyone want to convert

>it's not breaking the snake in half and taking its guns
Not very realistic

facism and communism are both proto feudalism
the party acts as nobillity

commies just got a retarded 100% tax rate
all democracies are essentially shadow oligarchies, multi ethnic democracies
don't work as it is just counting heads

All of those words and you only brought up two points that would have any validity.
> A random group appears out of nowhere that no one‘s actually heard about prior and start doing demonstrations.
They didn’t appear out of nowhere and I don’t know how much longer people can keep saying it, they’ve been around for years. Just because you weren’t paying attention doesn’t mean they weren’t around. They use to be called Vanguard before Charlottesville.
> The patriot front at one of the protests had the license plates on their vehicles removed, if any genuine right wing rally tried to do this they would all get arrested immediately especially in a place like Washington DC
Really? You’d get arrested for an obscured license plate? Can you give me a single example of this ever happening?
Also, it was just one guy, they all had their plates obscured. The police would have had to arrest (lmao) all of them for having obscured license plates, doesn’t sound like a good use of government resources especially when you have tens of thousands of people marching in D.C.

In Washington DC it would fucking happen I guarantee it they look for any excuse they can get to arrest people for a right wing and doing something. Lots of people get arrested for driving without a license plate It’s just not reporting on all the time it’s not really seen as a federal offense, it’s a misdemeanor and usually you just get a large fine.

you wouldn't know.
you picked a flag with a serpent on it because you're fucking stupid.

nancy pelosis death squads shot a woman for standing in a hallway
while being white

Do you know why so many people believe that JFK was assassinated by our own government? Because there is mountains of evidence. Time frames don’t fit, there are witnesses and whistleblowers, there was a botched autopsy and mishandling of the limousine, there were outright lies told to congress that were revealed later.
You can’t just proclaim something is true because you feel like it.

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Kraut is right.
It's a losing fight and we are on a slope into a dark age of intellectualism. A majority of humans are engaged in idol worship and hedonism. They are able to parrot what they have been told by the idols and talking heads. They are weak willed when it comes to preservation. I see them as self chained livestock. They hold the keys to freedom but choose to love on their hands snd knees to avoid resistance.
Modern westerners are poisoned by vices. The blackpill is the truth. You might find happiness in life and you should try but for most of it's just a path of suffering.

The no step on snake flag is a sign that was used in the revolutionary war by multiple pro American militia groups. Another lesser known one what is one with the words no king but king Jesus because there is no man with authority over you except Christ and Christ alone.

Jew throws on memeflag to deter awoken user from third position. You fear the coming collapse.

I’m not 100% definitive that the patriot front is a honey pot but I am extremely suspicious of it. It’s just all in so many ways that indicates it’s not a real movement. Do what you want I guess but I would be extremely skeptical and I wouldn’t trust them with anything