Why are they so evil? Why are journalists allowed to spit in your face and say it's raining?

Saw this on YOUTUBE recommend video. Anyone who cherry-picks data like this and uses percentages and doesn't also include total number per 100k should be shot in the face immediately, no exceptions. I'm so sick of these fucking evil fucks.

>84% of babies hospitalized with COVID19, born to unvaccinated moms
Note the language, WITH COVID19, they are using wordplay to imply the babies are hospitalized BECAUSE of COVID, not that it was simply in their systems, total fucking worthless information

> 88% of babies in ICU with COVID19..
Same shit as above, what the fuck

>Only approx. 40% of pregnant people ahve been fully vaccinated
This is actually really surprising, I thought 99% of women have been quadruple-jabbed, this gives some hope for humanity. EXCEPT the definition of FULL VAXXED is constantly changing and ALSO WORTHLESS INFORMATION

From CDC data below, there have only been 307 infant deaths for 26 months, 307/26=11 babies per month. There were about 5,217,000 births/losses (subtracted out 1m+ aborted babies RIP lil niggas god damn evil bitches), which makes for about 434k babies born per month in 2009. This means the chance of your baby dying due to COVID (fake fucking numbers anyways) are 11/434,000 = 0.000025%. In 2019, 7000 children from ages 0-19 died from accidental causes. That makes for 583/mo. If you divide that by 19 to make up for the age ranges, that's 30/mo. This means your baby is 3x more likely to die by accident (excluding ALL OTHER FACTORS) than die from COVID 19.

307 babies have allegedly died to COVID19 since 1/4/2020.

cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db136.htm#:~:text=This level is 12% below,2007 has been well documented.
Apparently in 2009 there were 6,393,000 pregnancies. 1,152,000 abortions, HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT'S A LOT OF MURDERED BABIES.


Attached: FUCKTHIS.jpg (1377x965, 177.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Youtube Link - youtube.com/watch?v=U2cVxKVpl-8

Remember pizzagate, ever seen the Vatican demon throne... we're ruled by people who worship evil and practice child rape and child sacrifice.

user, they’ve been pushing this on pregnant women since the start of this whole thing. It’s been hilarious hearing it on NPR and democracy now though, I thought the latter had SOME journalistic integrity

bump my thread on this is dead

I have knowledge that as of a few months ago they have not been recommending vaxx during pregnancy at least, as this seems to imply... The wording is so fucking empty and non-referential it is clearly edited and manipulated by evil hands to be in such a way. No stupid person could do this level of obfuscation on accident.

This took me about 5mins to figure out, I know they've been doing this for 2 years but have just been ignoring most of it. I spent the 2mins on this video and got so pissed I had to make sure I wasn't the asshole (which I am), but I wasn't.

I clearly remember an NPR report last year recommending pregnant women to get the shot, I doubt that big pharma was pushing it, knowing they could wait till now to push it. Though it was nice to see that they halted going forward with mandates on children, why that’s on the table for this isn’t entirely clear but it’s nice it’s off the table for now

the babies clot shot mommies are never born cause they already aborted.

because they make the most noise and act like a martyr, also they have friends who are rich and write the laws people sue each other for and police who kill their ''adversaries''

This is basically what any random Aussie news report has been like for years. Ever wondered why Aussies posters are black pilled?

>babies born to vaccinated moms
lol they clealrly dont count miscarriages caused by the vaxx. dead babies won't catch the covid lol

Australia is going to be a fun place when all the vaxxies die of aids there is that to look forward to

It's worse than that. They shit and tell you it's ice cream...what even more pathetic is the Lefties repeat the mantra. They are really blind. Actually I'm sometimes embarrassed for people they do not seem to know how stupid they are.

Here in bongland we have a specialist disinformation reporter now who's actually just poorly disguised feminist activism
Follow her on Twitter

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It's obvious big pharma is keep these dino media outlets alive they get told what to do or else money is pulled

Will be nice to free some space up

>pregnant people
Always laugh when I see this
Pooners need to grow a pair and stop crying like spoilt little girls

imagine going to the beach and its empty and you can just fish all day and no one will bother you or ask for a license almost heaven

Can't fucking wait. Australians are generally useless pooftahs!
They literally celebrate the biggest military fuck up in history as some sort of heroic military campaign! They're a literal joke of completely retarded soft cocks.

Because this "reality" is a simulation for training purposes and we are here to learn and be trained about what evil allowed to run amok gets up to so that, in the real reality, when we are called upon to line creatures up against walls, we don't hesitate.

yeah there is an up side to this nightmare unless they replace them all with chinks for you and south americans for us

>this number has followed me around for years
>I agree with the post and it shattered my world view when I realized it a few years ago
I'm sick of this fucking place.

>pregnant people

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I believe this was always their plan!