Jewish Saltmines

What the fuck is 'kosher salt'
Every American cooking show/recipe ask for it's use, but in just about every other country there is no mention of it

This is just straight up jewish trickery to get Americans to exclusively buy their shit, ain't it?
Big-kosher can't keep getting away with this

Attached: JewSalt.png (585x585, 495.37K)

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it's literally just salt blessed by a rabbi

it's non-iodized
in some applications it makes a difference

you must be 12 to post heer

that makes it even more jewish. So basically it just slowly kills you

no aluminium

it comes from the region of the dead sea that was run by j00s not mussies

Its to remove blood before eating.
Blood is not Kosher

it's a stab at "kosher" culture


Is iodiene a cryptonite for jews

Attached: AGF-l78fFbpLugantOJ5BuxEIQrPAUtv7MUWgwxkZw=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo.jpg (900x900, 48.62K)

Table salt has extra chemicals added to prevent clumping

Kosher salt doesn’t have those extra chemicals - it’s pure salt

This makes it better for cooking as those extra chemicals will burn in a skillet and taste like shit

>it's non-iodized
Outside of the Americas we call that.... non-iodized salt, surprise surprise

its just crystalized goyim tears, goy. It makes food taste better imo.

Iodized salt is extra salt, you also need more kosher salt for the same saltiness sensation.
>Of course the jewish option needs more, thereby costing more.

It's big flakes of salt. It was originally used for kashering (rendering kosher) meat, but people noticed that it's a lot easier to work with in the kitchen than table salt, so now lots of chefs and such use and recommend it. The crystals are more visible on the surface of food (usually meat), they're easier to evenly distribute, and there's less chance of oversalting.

Natural sea salt, it's all of those things but without the jewish title

Misconception, it's actually called kosher salt because it's used in the koshering process for other foods and isnt blessed by a rabbi in and of itself (but then the food it gets applied to does so in a roundabout way it eventually does become blessed by a rabbi).

Kosher salt, aside from it's price is I think the one thing in life with a connection to Jews that is actually better.

it's the same just with a sprinkle of goys blood added

another jooo scam. kosher tax on foodstuffs and beverages. time to check your pantry and fridge. the taxstamps on the packaging are often quiet small. makes you wonder why? well, the billions the rebbes rake in are not claimed as income. they are religious donations. tax-free. enjoy your dinner, for which you paid extra to the joooos.

Attached: jewskosherfoodtaxstamps.jpg (500x313, 46.34K)


And America's had a long history of Jewish immigration that would make the branding "Kosher salt" sell better.

>>it's non-iodized
no we call it that too.

Again, this is just called natural sea salt outside of America
You have been tricked once again

why is the morton salt girl so hot?


Attached: jewsoyvey.jpg (599x338, 37.68K)

ironic the nation that created israel after jews got caught coin clipping in your country wants to talk about long history of jewish immigration

Yes it is to get their 'foot in the door' so-to-speak. Awareness needs to increase about the Kosher industry which is essentially a hidden tax imposed on food. When a food company gets big enough, it is extorted to adopt the Kosher certification.

Attached: Zionism - Troops ready to die for Israel.png (714x616, 571.14K)

>American's are all Jews they remove their dick hat and wear it on their head they only exist as the golem.

Attached: SSmile.jpg (720x1280, 33.2K)

It is salt that is processed to the optimal size for curing of meat to make it kosher.