Why are there some many niggers featured in commercials nowadays?

Why are there some many niggers featured in commercials nowadays?

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Every fucking one. No Asians, no Mexicans, no Indians…just Tyrones and Treyquishas in every fucking ad. I’m beyond fatigued.

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I've got Acute Pigmentation Exposure Sydrome.

Get that *checked* out asap, user.

In the way that diversity hiring in corporate America is meant to promote black women over black men, and to stomp on black men's testicles thereby, the excessive proportion of black people in the media is meant to stir up anti-black racism more so than it is meant to promote black actors and diversity. Jews love it when racists fixate on blacks, basically.

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So close to trips

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Niggers are better people than white people so they get more things

Oh wait you're serious! Let me laugh even harder!

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You can advertise yourself to the entire market population and maybe gain 3 or 4% who buy your shit

Or you can cater to a very malleable and groupthink 13% who “stick together” because they are the “minority against the majority”.

Look at sprite, they used Lebron James in some of their commercials and portrayed it as a black drink. the amount of niggers that buy coke or any other soft drink instead of sprite is incredibly small when compared to those that buy sprite. They catered to the market and won it over due to the ethnocentrism that blacks have adopted.

This. That's why they want to bring more over here.

Liberals, leftists, niggers with money, Jews, wiggers, Sheeple / NPCs / spiritual jew Whites / idiots / dumb masses

Also, The brainwashed boomers and jewed neo cons wanted to "teach" by draining and depriving most younger White generations... Instead of helping their own also.

Moar prominent "successful" business nigger, moar "empowered" feminist useless spoiled toxic women, Moar useless government career corrupt people, Moar reprimanded and beat down "white boys" and Jew's "goys"...

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Kikes are trying to further destroy society for profit.

You can pay them less than white actors

It's so those commercials and companies don't look out dated in the future when whites are a minority.
Look at how people say it looks strange when they see old commercials or TV shows that are all white.
People are being groomed and conditioned to expect to see niggers everywhere because that will be the future UNLESS whites start having more children. Unfortunately for the past 50 years jewish propaganda has told whites to have less children or no children at all. They've been planning this for western countries for over 50 years now

Bullshit, those nigger actors have millions +

Oprah has a billion for just being a "voice" of blacks and women

What hollywood Jews or even Whites with money are giving any Whites worthwhile opportunities?

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Because dey wuz kangz n shiet

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Because "marketing" told them they'll be racist if they don't. Only a matter of time before they kill Flo and replace her with Lakwonda.

I was at the gym and I saw three straight commercials on its TV with a White Parent and a Mulatto Child, what a hysterical practice.

I’m convinced either mass exodus or armed revolution will be the only two options left in a future that may or may not be distant. If European countries would be so gracious as to allow the immigration of what is considered “white” in modern America, then we should move there and populate it with our kin. If they do not allow us room to escape to, then we must fight back against those who push us to the edge. We need a legitimately socialized government that also provides the security that is desired by what is still the predominant race. Our government has abandoned us and our morally void capitalist producers now entertain and breed ethnocentrism in the minority populations simply to make a profit, meanwhile production wages go to the countries that want to see us burn.

There is 0 economic benefit, what they do are obligations they follow in exchange to receive capital from companies like Blackrock. The entire bedrock of this system hinges on corrupt monopolistic creditors abusing their power.

Because most modern women are shit and most White men are drained / juggling a bunch of things / aren't prepared for kids / are just "starting" life later in life

I blame the boomers and the Jews and government... It doesn't help to have had to cater for decades through those toxic forced Marxist schools and all of the other shit Whites (that aren't rich) have had to go through, I've lived it

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Kek worthy, you clever bastard

Sorry, but advertising to a culture of connectedness and unison against all other races is always the way to go.

Niggers do not have the inhibitive qualities that are observed in other races, and are therefore more prone to buying items in excess and stealing from other. Look at the crime rates, they speak for themselves.

Furthermore, blacks are all convinced they are oppressed by society. All have black branded items, all wave the BLM flag, all use #blacklivesmatter on social media. While primitive in nature and only supported by those who work until dust, they are undeniably an extremely racist and likeminded group of people. They are quite literally the perfect demographic for advertisement.