When do we start taking scalps?

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you won't do shit
police could start arresting you and charging you with funding terrorism any day now.

I haven't donated but this post makes me think I should.

Before glowniggers emerged on the internet they were at the Post. Tell them to ask in person. And do a civic duty.

it isn't socially acceptable to take scalps user
do it, you're American, they can't do shit

I wonder if its the reporters personal work email address that they used. I wouldn't reply, but I know a lot of email lists I could sign them up to that would relentlessly send them bullshit all day every day.

Soon everybody is going to be a "terrorist" besides a (((few))). It's going to be hilarious and revealing.

>oh no, my spam folder is filling up twice as fast
>guess I better stop pushing globohomo and apologize to everyone I hate

it's already completely lost all meaning. so has fascist and Nazi.
if the US govt wants to remove all ability to shame their actual enemies in favor of short term political gains against their own citizens... then clown world, ho!

I tried to donate and that alternative site was dead. Now I'm missing the chance to tell some halfassed WaPo journalist to stick their head up their own ass, and it's got me very disappointed.

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Class action lawsuit

Impossible. Washington Times doesn't have any class.

Washington Post, user.
Washington times is actually somewhat ok sometimes

They want to probe and hopefully get some shit about niggers, faggots, or kikes so they can create some narrative that the trucker convoy is just people with problematic thoughts. If they fail to get anything substantial they will just make shit up without release any names so the source is untrackable. Anyone who actually pays or gives these people views is part of the problem. Stop reading msm.

Has anyone send the journos goatsie?

Never. You watch society collapse into venezuala.

Nothing is stopping you from telling them freely as is

hell I gave more than that, where my email

If they call normal people right wing freedom terrorists, what does that make them?

a cheesily written authoritarian governmental villain in a B movie

This. They’re mining for a story on white supremacy domestic terror.

No information gained from a hack can be used in an official capacity. Those who respond legally dox themselves.
The media/government is banking on an emotional reaction in which people will act before they think

yup, just like good old austria

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