What are the political implications of Africa having 4 billion people by 2100?

What are the political implications of Africa having 4 billion people by 2100?

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Nike stock soaring

there wont be a world by 2100 lol, what makes you think we are making it out 2022?

kek. chickens going extinct

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The world will consists of three races in another 100 years:
40% Carbon Black people from Africa who can't read or write, living on handouts.
35% asians (Chinese, Japanese).
35% india.
0.0001% white people from Russia Europe and America.

This is why White people have to have fewer babies, without fewer babies we won't survive. White people need to be outnumbered by other races by a billion to 1. not just 100 thousand to 1.

Probably widespread wars until the rest of the world decides that this shit is hopeless, invades the whole fucking place, and institutes a "Pan African" government where all the representatives will be puppets of the civilized world.

Civilization level ending mass famine at the slightest interruption of global trade.

Medical consumerism from 4 billion Africans will put China into space

Mass migration to Europe and perhaps also other parts of the world. These countries either drop their act of being welcoming towards everyone or they will be run over

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>The population of Africa was 177 million in 1950, and it grew 7.6 times to more than 1.341 billion in 2020.
Holy crap.

it's not fun if its easy

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>for just 3847 Globobucks a day you can help save a child in need. Failure to donate will be reported immediately. Goodbye.

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>>The population of Africa was 177 million in 1950, and it grew 7.6 times to more than 1.341 billion in 2020.
>Holy crap.
Fr, that's crazy to think that the us had a bigger population than the entirity of africa. tf happened

Wet nightmare of every white nationalist and pipe dream of jews.

It assumes the West (or China) is prosperous enough to keep subsidizing Africa. Indulge my doubt.

>It assumes the West (or China) is prosperous enough to keep subsidizing Africa. Indulge my doubt.
the un would never let a large portion of the world starve. it ddoesn't assumme that either, even if the african fertility rate became sustainbale today there would still be 2 billlion africans by 2100 because the population pyramid is skewed

>un would never allow a large portion of the workd to starve
I'm skeptical that they'll be able to do a damn thing about it.

Fucking racist mayo mf keeping my brothers and sisters down - should be 10bn rn fr foh.

>I'm skeptical that they'll be able to do a damn thing about it.
why not? the worlds only getting more globalized and food surpluses are growing as production improves

a lot of monkeys to experiment with

>Africa having 4 billion people by 2100
There's no guarantee things wont collapse before then. If the US or globoeconomy collapses all those Africans will starve.

Phosphorous shortages, for one. The impending financial collapse in the West for two, and China's impending demographic collapse.

Africa cannot sustain itself without outside subsidy.

Now we know why they want to make food a human right so bad; So we can supply it for them.

But agriculture is going to shit. One day the world will lament the loss of the agricultural powerhouse that is the United States.

Latinx have stopped breeding. Their birthrate is below replacement and dropping faster than it is for whites.

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The Jews will be replacing latinx with Africans. That’s why our media is filled with blacks. To psychologically condition us for what’s to come.

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