Ok, let's settle this once and for all: who pays for the roads if we abolish taxation?

Ok, let's settle this once and for all: who pays for the roads if we abolish taxation?

Attached: 20220214_233139.jpg (1280x1015, 287K)

The goyim

The niggers

The people who drive on them. Toll roads are morally superior.

the property owner.

Libertarianism is retarded as private actors would take up the role of state actors. Instead of paying property taxes you'd be paying usage fees and subscriptions.

I'd still feel pretty good if the rich paid for them.

Who would own the highways?

We would have hovercars in no time

Kind of can't really abolish taxes now, we're in too deep. Welfare and pensions are a big chunk of what taxes go towards. Could probably reduce the tax a lot though just by downsizing government and taking away a lot of their expenditures like gov grants and stuff. Fixing corruption would be nice, that would reduce the tax a lot, that's probably asking too much. Also being really strict on incompetentcy because a lot of tax goes to support huge deficits that were probably avoidable

The corporations that use our roads to transport goods.

the roads are financed by the people who want to use them. traditionally this would be done by business owners who want to get goods to market and people to their business.
really isnt complicated. there are thousands of miles of private road and rail in the US

Attached: ysvkc.png (680x1483, 205.72K)

Next frame should be the government giving the money to niggers and Jews

Nobody's paying for the roads right now, user. 95% of your tax dollars go to gibs, the military, and interest on our gigantic federal debt.

Attached: taxes2.jpg (780x439, 305.64K)

This isn't a complete answer - Who gets the toll money?

Your logic is flawed. Just because there is a case for some private roads doesn't imply that all roads should be private.

Combination of locals paying for local roads and privately run toll roads. You might also get some logistics companies making their long distance roads free for individuals. But in any case, the overall cost will be lowered compared with government funded roads.

Roads just appear on their own once you drive over the same path a bunch of times.

The people who bought the roads from the government, or who built some more themselves.

We all agree to certain services and shit that needs to be paid for. We all agree on what percentage of income that should be. We all agree no one who makes under 100k single, 250k if married and atleast 2 homogeneous children, pays any taxes at all. Everyone above pays 10%, flat rate, no deductions or charitable wrote offs, no limits. We all agree that the services provide get a 100% transparent book, and every penny gets allocated for.

Maybe something like that. Im only one brain. This needs more.

This is the only good answer here. Necessity is the mother of invention, this is why America is beginning to lag in terms of technological advancement. We’ve allowed bureaucrats to convince us we need them to do things we cannot do for ourselves.

>who pays for the roads if we abolish taxation
Whoever stands to profit from their existence. For example, say the businesses of a town want to encourage trade and commerce with a nearby town. The businesses would then band together and invest in a roadway to join the areas. Maintenance of the road would be the responsibility of the involved businesses. The same model scales up and down, so if a neighborhood wanted to pave their roads, the homeowners would establish a fund.

The difference from taxation is that all this would be voluntary.

To make it voluntary, you can forgo paying taxes, but then get your shit repo'd if caught using services you didn't contribute to.

You pay with dollars printed by Congress and the army does it or a branch of the army.