This is a good thing, you know?

If Canadian-style tyranny is so bad, please explain why you’re against:

>Legal Weed
>Universal Healthcare
>More affordable college

Please explain why you’re against it, Any Forums?

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They will do it all very badly on purpose so there's leftover money for them to steal.

America has over 30 million illegal aliens with democrats wanting more in by the day.

How many illegals are in Canada, and how much of their GDP is paying them?

Attached: IMG_3604.png (1658x2334, 489.71K)

Seize all my money and tell me what I can & can't think. I don't care, I can do drugs!
>this is the mindset of a leftist

Attached: CollegeEducatedDemocrats.jpg (2880x3000, 2.31M)

>legal weed
>universal healthcare
is shit
>more affordable college
because is shit

You can try to move there. You won't be missed down here by anybody

>Legal Weed
I'm smoking legal weed right now.
>Universal Healthcare
How anybody could still support this in the age of "no vaxx, no healthcare" is beyond me.
>More affordable college
That's the last fucking thing we need. Maybe one in fifty college students actually belong in college.

>Legal Weed
More braindead complacent zombie retards is exactly what we needed.
>Universal Healthcare
Unless you didn't take the clot shot. Then you can be denied life-saving surgery.
>More affordable college
International student cap was removed so only internationals looking for easy visas can get them.

And you forget the average house now costing $830k or 17x the average salary.

>muh weed
>muh healthcare
>muh college

Weed isn't important, our healthcare is objectively worse than in America (though agreed that American healthcare is also a jewish money laundering scam) and our college/university is hideously expensive too. These leftist shits don't know fuck all about the most basic facts they could investigate for themselves about a country literally right next to them that they claim to idolize. Fuck them all to death.

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>Canadian college
Lmao American leftists are retarded

Weed is easily accessible
Health care paid by the government just increases your taxes.. you still pay for it, and every other day American and Mexican and affordable college isn't a thing, they're independent businesses and again if the government subsidises feminist studies, you're paying for it in tax.

>weed should have been decriminalized, legalization is government monopoly
>our healthcare is terrible and very dangerous doctors will kill you with zero liability
>college is a scam and we already pay oppressive levels of taxation for shit healthcare and others wastes of $

>More affordable college
find me a can of soup for under 15 CAD
I'll wait

>legal weed
>subsidize my partying
>universal healthcare
>subsidize my hangover and gunshot wounds because i'm black
>affordable kOllidGe
>subsidize my continued high school party while I "learn" why white people were responsible for every evil in the world

I'm against it because Fuck You that's why.

Move to Canada then don’t force your beliefs on us fascist.

Please, please watch this.

Yeah OP. Let's trade citizenships.
You'll love it here. Really.

>t. fat faggot that won't fuck off 100 miles North to go live the dream.
I am unsympathetic, pleb.

Just be poor in a state w legal weed and you'll get the same thing in the USA.

Why don't you explain why you haven't fucked off to canada?

Community college is super affordable. Or just get a certification in IT and you'll laugh at retards who go to college.

More pajeets fewer spics, but the spics are there.

Attached: wherever spics go they must do it illegally and shill for communism.png (765x787, 76.44K)

>I dont care how much I have to lick the boot, as long as I could a fat bowl to rip on man

ok? why cant we have all that stuff AND freedom? why is that so hard for leftists to grasp?

kys nigger this shithole is not something to be looked up to

>t. helpless parasite

God why is it always foreigners who act all pompous and talk like retards?

yeah if it means numbing my mind with drugs, letting the state pump me with more drugs so I don't kill myself over how terrible everything is and cheap indoctrination classes then no fucking thank you

College in Canada cost the same as USA if not more

That's what happens if you don't assimilate your immigrants. There's a reason why the early French and German populations were banned from speaking their language and culture outside their private homes.

I am not a hipster faggot who keeps putting action figures up my ass

Also Canada doesn't have a lot of niggers to drain the system

But it's the government footing the bill right?

because they're not really offering the stuff. It's a trick to get you to put them in power so they can abuse it for personal satisfaction.

>muh college

Look at how many useful idiots have gotten a college degree that ultimately hasn't made them any more of an asset to society. Even fucking Chris-chan has a college degree. He is living proof that not everyone benefits from a college education and making it more accessible/affordable won't make people any less stupid.

>Legal Weed
Regulated by the government, lower THC %, and overpriced/low quality product

>Universal Healthcare
Literally almost the same as yours. Its mostly private insurance since the actual system doesn't really cover much. Plus has huge fucking wait times.

>More affordable college
Its the same as yours really. A Bachelor's costs more than 50k now. If you want any Master's or PHD you're looking at 100k+.

Average single bedroom apartment rent is now 2200 per month.

College isn't affordable, healthcare isn't universal, and

>A Bachelor's costs more than 50k now
Per semester?

>unaffordable housing
>unaffordable food
>shitty dollar
>shitty system of government
>perpetual gaslighting by state run propaganda like the CBC
>no social mobility(that less expensive degree often won’t help you better yourself)
>terrible gun laws
>no freedom of speech

Glad I left.

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Canada doesn’t have that many illegals, instead they just flood the country with legal immigrants. More than 400,000 a year in a country with less than 40,000,000 people.

Those who do immigrate illegally are usually given things like subsidized rent and dental care however.

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