Is there anything more cucked than living in an apartment?

Is there anything more cucked than living in an apartment?

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living in a large pumpkin

Commie blocks

Living is the UK is pretty cucked. faggot.

t. lives in a cuckbox

living in your wife's apartment

Living in your wife’s son’s apartment to be exact

I didn't like it at first but we have concrete block walls and concrete floors separating our units. Really nice construction, modern conveniences, new appliances. Our balcony is much nicer than pic rel and the view looks over a park. After 1 year we know most all our neighbors on our floor and it's not as bad as we first thought.

Wait till you decide to renovate...

yours probably looks more like this

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i'd be perfectly content in a Haussmann apartment, the best living space ever invented
but only in a country without niggers

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what can you do though
im as broke as they come and i would take an apartment any day of the week, i mean i'd rather have a chalet or a farm but lets be realistic here, ffs the pod would be better than the street

being an american

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Living in the house that is owned by (((bank))) you paying mortrage to. Living on the land that is owned by (((Landlord))) that can kick you out

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Yeah: modern whites

The Haussmannization of Paris was slow to happen but population growth was slow enough at the time that it worked ok. There were even some excess housing in the outer areas by the time of his fall from grace. Today we throw up housing rapidly to deal with population growth. That keeps everyone distracted from the existing built environment while trying to keep pace with everything new. We need a period of slow growth or even contraction so we can improve the quality of what we have instead of focusing on the quantity.
Right now there are 1.5 million housing units under construction in the US. That's the most ever. And we're importing a new population to take up all that housing as quickly as possible.


>says the Australian

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Cope Trotter

My parents lived in Kowloon in the 70s, it was a tight knit community and everyone knew each other.
Absolute fucking eyesore though.

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Yeah maintain that 60years old house with 7 rooms with only two people.

>hurr 95% of u are vaxxed, you are cucked!!!
only 4000 deaths compared to the nearing 1 million in shartland ;)

imagine the smell