I have the inside scoop on AFPAC III

Quads and I reveal one (1) confirmed mystery speaker. There are actually multiple as-yet unconfirmed guests which I will not comment on.
>How do you know?
I am connected not through Nick's circles but those of one of the invited guests. Will not elaborate further.

Attached: nick-gun-psychopath.png (708x708, 408.76K)

you will never be a woman

Just let it be a surprise dude.

Literally couldn’t care less.

Almost had it on your first try

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

says the memeflag.
I for one am excited to watch afpac 3 on cozytv, hope the speaker is some politician, steve king really hyped me up last time.

Rolling for E. Michael Jones
Good guess

fuck off you shill faggot, you give incels a bad name.

Ah, it’s Lady MAGA!

based, shes good optics

The one speaker you will confirm will be the one speaker they were going to reveal anyways. useless thread

I hope Ethan Ralph gets up there and just starts hollerin’

She's amazing, not all LGBT are leftist, nobody has the right to tell what 2 consenting people do in their home.

As long as she's America First, she's based.

Fuck off with your bait. Nobody cares.

fuck off attention whore

I'm actually not aware which speaker Nick intends to reveal today. It could be the same one, or it could be the one he plans on keeping under wraps.

I hope it's ADL chairman Jonathan Greenblatt.

It's Elon Musk isn't it?

>one (1) confirmed mystery speaker
it's stephen from accounts, isn't it.
good old stephen.