Schools Grooming Kids

The assistant principle at the School is changing a kids pronouns and not telling the parents - she actually emailed staff about it. Libs of TikTok posted it on twitter.

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not my problem

If this is real, this person has committed a crime against humanity. Store their information so they can be put on trial someday.

good to see the west fall, i'll celebrate it with whiskey

She called the girls bathroom the "girls" bathroom. If there's no such thing as boys and girls but...whew fuckit, they're all just beyond help.

The twitter army is doing their part on the schools twitter page and sending some nice emails to staff.

this ho right here

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Evan? figures

it takes a village to raise a child, chuds, and sometimes a hateful minority of the village must be ignored

[email protected]
Email her something nice.

Conservashits use the "blacks are equal" as their mace to say they believe in equal rights and the constitution, but then don't afford any of the same personal liberties to anyone that has sex differently from them, or has gender dysphoria and wishes to transition. We should be openly flogging Christians for trying to enforce their religion at state held and federal institutions.

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Greeks and Romans hit the highest form of civilization in the west even though they had transgenders and gays, for some reason conservashits have this weird fucking notion that this "degeneracy" led to their downfalls. Tell me why that would be true, when at the same time it was also producing giga-chad philosophers who could kill tens of barbarians or mudslime pedophiles? If anything it seems that the introduction of Christianity accelerated Rome's downfall.

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The idea of "gay" wasn't around during that era either, you were either giga-chad, a twink, a femboy, or property. Twinks would become giga-chads generally. Giga chads would literally fuck anyone because they were so fucking masculine. If anything, taking women more seriously was a fucking mistake throughout western civilization. We allow any dysgenic motherfucker to vote and participate in making rules or leaders that rule. But seeing how most people are fucking retarded and weak, it's just disheartening. They make decisions based on emotion and we're at the state where the US will likely fucking balkanize in 15 years lmao.

Christianity mobilizes women to congregate and have some form of power, and then it also empowers absolute onions-males to the same level as giga-chads politically. Men do not strive anymore to become something great, either through knowledge or building their phsyique. They are fine having their local rabbi- er pastor telling their onions-males and their women what to think. Imagine going to an institution once a week to have the local pastor tell you what you can do with your wife. Giga-chads would have a wife and a twink, maybe even multiple of each, and this has pretty much been the natural order in humanity for any forms of civilization forever. But with basedcucks getting 1 wife each, you see dysgenic retard roaming the earth like never before.

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lib shits like you belong in a shallow grave

I am literally taller, bigger, stronger, fitter, and am smarter than you. Do not talk to me.

How is it a crime against humanity?

HOLY SHIT. That's ridiculous.

Teachers should be teaching & nothing more.

Teacher's union got infilitrated by dirty commies in the 1950s.

they're doing it with vaccines too. honestly your kids just aren't safe in a public school and if you didn't already know that from your own experience in it you are a total retard

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The Asst Principal should be fired. Libs of TikTok has 500,000 followers, so parents in the district will find out in the next day. Even shit-libby parents get upset when schools start doing shit like this behind their backs.

you may be taller...but youre not stronger then me lib shit and not smarter either as you are a lib shit
but its ok
even if i wasnt a gym addicted dude that practices martial arts all day...i could just shoot your jewish ass
like libshit meme flags deserve

no you aren't. post physique

Evil cunt. Wonder how much money she gets on the side from globalists or ChiComs.

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Why aren’t we killing these people?