
how to get high without drugs. Or with homemade things. Im broke and stressed out

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i bet you tried it



I just found 20mg of oxy. Took it on top of 4mg ativan 400mg gabapentin and likely to snort 100mg of ket with it.

I deserve this but I will devote it to you Any Forumsand user.

Stare into your eyes in a mirror for like 10 minutes without wavering. Potent dissociative psychedelic state will ensue.

1) morning glory seeds (do NOT just eat them, that will destroy your teeth.)
2) force yourself to stay awake for many days
3) running
4) not eating


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O man, that sounds like my kind of party

do a ton of ab workouts. if you do enough you can cum from doing them

Snort your coom

Kratom. I thought it was hype. Took a free sample 4 grams. Exactly like taking 15mg of Norco. But drugs are gay. Kys

carboy, water trap, yeast, applejuice
= apple wine
replace applejuice with honey, you get honeywine/mead

how do I exercise?

Break a finger, you have ten

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Perceval holy grail sex magical. Doubt you had sex before though. Atleast its possible you can experience it in the future since you’re an innocent virgin.

Unironically smoke Nutmeg.

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>how to get high without drugs

Repent and give yourself over to Jesus Christ.

a better coping mechanism than mentally running away from your negative feelings

Knew it would be E. Europe flag

Yoga, as gay as it sounds, will get you the best results if you're going for mind improvements. It's just stretching and holding your own weigh in ways that maximize your effort.

Hypnotherapy, there's tons of videos on YouTube. And exercise.

1. there are plenty of chemicals that you can get legally online in europe (1p-lsd and co).
2. Ayuhasca (or ayahuasca like, DMT + IMAO sources, search on Reddit) and peyote plants are legal and you can buy them on ebay.

Just breathe

>Get a fren and go to the playground.
>Find merry-go-round
>sit down
>have fren spin you

slave to pharma

the sooner you stop the easier it will be user

meditate faggot

shut the fuck up im enlightened, you faggot

kek why though?

Solve your problems one by one , reduce youe streas and enjoy the high from weight off your shoulders.


make a tea with a few of these

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Pain is weakness leaving the body

Wim Hoff Method right now. I promise you'll feel better afterwards.


i know it and hyperventilating sucks ass


Get high by praising our only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ everyday.

Then wallow in your shit. It takes 10 minutes and you will feel better afterwards.

Not enough

well you could try nutmeg, but you're likely going to puke. that shit is almost as hard to get down as cinnamon. there's also dramamine/gravol/whatever they call road sickness medication in kurwa, but taking that shit is literally hellish retardation. if you're stressed now wait until the walls start screaming bloody murder around you. the other OTC option is cough medicine with the active ingredient of "DXM" and nothing else. this is probably your best option; even if you're going to be blasting supa hot fire out of both ends, it'll probably give you the most profound experience, while also being the safest. there's also whippits, though after i typed this i realized you skinny bastards probably don't even have canned whipped cream, but that too is an option. always make sure to dyor. erowid.com is your friend.


Also, if you are just a junky codeine, DXM, phenibut and thinks like that are legal here. Go to some reddit drug-adicts forum.

Sounds lame but exercise is right.

Seriously? Is this similar to meditation in that you’re paying attention to your breath?

Steal some church wine


Sniff some glue

Pray to Jesus Christ and read the new testament.

doesnt sound like a safe combo, quad downers lol

Wim Hof Method and DMT breathing. Listen to the songs you strongly associate with a particular emotion you want to feel as you perform it. This will create savestates within your life.

they say death is similar to high doses of some psychedelics


Go to the grocery and buy some poppy seeds. Find them in bulk and just wash it with a mild acid lemon juice or vinegar will work and this is nasty but you can get addicted to optiates this way I tried to once.

i thought it was a meme
the runner's high is the best high i've ever had
I've done all of them, some more than others. I've never been a junkie, though. The runner's high is the best.

because he is a degenerate junkie who thinks getting high off pharma is fun.

His method does provoke some hormone increase. I think was adrenaline but not sure. It also gets you kinda dizzy.

You clearly haven't. It's divine.