How is this even constitutional?
Isn't this a massive freedom of movement violation?

Attached: lunacy.png (1079x1529, 1019.67K)

Yes. First time? The constitution is a scrap of paper and they don't give a fuck.

Yes, but the serfs will comply because it's easier than fighting back.

i support this. niggers and spics on rice rockets, fagged up honda crvs, and other gay shit deserve the rope

Attached: download (3).jpg (512x384, 62.76K)

City of Edmonton tested these as a preliminary measure but with a scree showing decibels. They cancelled it when people started revving their engines to get a high score

Attached: download (4).jpg (1920x1080, 205.06K)

No (because we say so)
Now drive the electric egg like a good boy

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that's really all that happens and it goes like this every single time. people don't just fight back at the start, things have to get bad enough they want to fight back. things aren't that bad yet because new yorkers can move to the rest of the USA (85%) that isn't like this. we're years, maybe even a generation away at this rate, from the USA "fighting back".

It's a living document chud

aftermarket muffler niggers should kys I'm trying to fucking sleep

probably has one of those exhaust systems that backfire so loud it's indistinguishable from gun shots. I hate those things

Buy me a new muffler than city-bitch. Mine's rusted out.

Don't you get it yet? They don't care about the rules. They've decided to just ignore then and do what they want.

>Isn't this a massive freedom of movement violation?
No more than any other ticket

Show me the word "muffler" once in the Constitution.

no. only people who will be caught will be niggers and spics with their retarded stereos. i wish we had this in california.

>freedom of movement
you sound like one of those dumb bastards that claims they're a sovereign citizen

>download (3).jpg
Kek, you didn't even get that meme from here, tourist

>Not removing the muffler and attaching a LOUDENER


So would this work if i just honk an air horn next to this meters as cars drive by? Asking for a friend.

Fuck. Where I live you are lucky to have doors on your car. Fuck Jew York

Americans are so cute lmao.
I wonder if anyone has ever been taxed without representation in the USA too

Having noise restrictions or muffler requirements? No that is perfectly normal and has been a thing as long as I remember back to the 90s at least. It's kinda selectively enforced I suppose. You can't just have no muffler or glass pack to maximize how much noise your car makes.

Agreed. Faggot loud ass bullshit cars. They're not fast, they're just annoying and loud. Fuck you. You're a bunch of ghetto nigger fags. Ban subwoofers too. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

You should have just answered the summons and gone to get your muffler checked, stupid. This was certainly the most inane hill you can possibly choose to die on.

Run /noplates/ and let her rip!

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oh say can you see

Not just backfiring. Some idiots run straightpipe "mufflers" so their cars sound like an ongoing artillery bombardment. It's really fucking annoying. My bet is that the those auto-ticketers are calibrated well past the technical legal limit.

Add old fucking boomers with goddamn straight pipes on Harleys. Fucking so loud you can hear them coming for miles.

you have the right to face your accuser in court. the machine cannot testify, there were no police in the area.

fuck constitution, you will die for israel and you will like it


Straight exhaust off of long tube headers is the only sensible way to run an American V8.