/IG/. Inuit General. Razorbill Edition

Attached: Razorbill 2.jpg (183x275, 6.06K)

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What picture is Razorbill 1.jpg?

Attached: Echte-hollandse-pannekoeken.jpg (1024x768, 156.83K)

Like beluga but the consistency is easier to chew

Attached: Razorbill.jpg (275x183, 5.03K)

Good stuff. Not keeping you from work am I? You said you had to go.

Attached: Little Auk.jpg (1800x1350, 383.33K)

I was out my way out got a text I don't have to anyway
was supposed to help out

GL sounds like top tier comfy. I’m from rural AL, so the rough-tough living off the lifestyle is appealing.

You guys are going to be crazy rich if you play your cards right.
The material wealth up there is insane and the NWP is going to be a major deal this century.

Got a question, why didn't the Inuit set up a kingdom in the distant past? I know they have Chiefs but why didn't one unite them all?

Attached: Tīeke 14.jpg (480x261, 19.66K)

Don't know if German will come by, but will post some snow pics I've taken

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Well you must be used to the long winters. That being said, I sleep pretty much not on a time table. I would love to go hunting for food.

Based. The hustle and bustle of the big glacier.

We were so few and did not settle at any specific location, rather moved according to seasons/prey
Also, according to H. J. Rink we had territorial disputes where killings occured between us and Akilinermiut (Canadian Inuit) but also helped each other out during difficult times

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I know the Copper Inuit were once massacred by the Dene and a peace settlement was only reached in the 1990s. It just preoccupies me why a culture with more advanced tech than their southern neighbours didn't push southwards.

Lol, it doesn’t get much colder than 20F here, but the humidity makes it hurt.
Recently I went to Wisconsin and I loved it. Got to about -11F and I didn’t miss a beat. Though I’m not sure how to tell when the freezing air is risky to be in or when is too long.
I love the cold though.

>the anglo is confused at the lack of imperialist instinct

Here I am and very nice, thank you.
Most of the people don’t like the cold, I very much enjoy it.
It’s calm, clear and hostile, gives you the chance to focus on the things that matter

I don't even remember which tribes they were, and other than Inughuit (Qaanaaq/Thule) I don't think we had names for our own tribes
Qallunaatsiaat (Nordmænd/Norse) called us Skrællings, and that's about it
If you haven't seen link, it's pretty comfy for when you don't have anything else to watch
sending from around 38:00

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Had they put their mind to it, they may well have conquered parts of Europe from their Kayaks. The way I see it, it's a harsh Dog eat Dog world out there.