This is the guy that hacked givesendgo

This is the guy that hacked givesendgo.

Attached: 2022-02-16 15_04_16-Libs of Tik Tok on Twitter_ _This is apparently the dude who hacked GiveSendGo h.png (659x773, 389.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nah he’s the deranged retard who willingly become the face of it, a patsy

Neat, I wonder if anyone will charge him.

he's admitting he did it

bump what the fuck

Only a real idiot takes claim for something that can land them in prison

He will never be prosecuted just like those BLM rioters. We are living under anarcho-tyranny.

That fucking homo manlet needs to be taught a lesson.

amazing how u niggas dont know who kirtaner is, someone post him goatseing himself
inb4 mods delete these threads

What an absolute Chad, unironically. Owns up to it and doesn't cower.
Meanwhile the Freedom Convoy almost got BTFO'd by 1 Nazi flag.

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He’s a fed tool, they will only fuck him when his usefulness has ran out

he's a known pedo, so he'll be fine
its cool

He has an infant son he's not allowed to see

Just throwing that out there

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It’d be a shame if some of his ill-doings were brought to the court’s attention. Anyone know how to hack emails?
>captcha: D0XMV

Pedos aren't allowed to be near children.

Imagine being as dumb as you guys are

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He was asked to do it by the people who put others in prison. Think, user.


He married this and is an insane drug addict of course he got divorced. The fact his equally crazy wife got custody is crazy. Probably with a grandparent.

Attached: spardot smoking away wewtists donations.jpg (2048x1536, 372.75K)

what hack emails? just let CPS know what he's up to

apparently the kid is mentally retarded so at least the little vegetable doesn't know it's being abused

>noooo you can’t make someone kill themself slowly through torment, you have to do it yourself!
You forget I’m in the US? Unironically kill yourself Agent Harris

I was more saying so you could see if he does anything illegal (yes doxxing is illegal, I mean more than that)

Go protest his house. Ir spray it with graffiti. Expose him for the pedo that he is.


just being involved in this kind of shit on twitter is enough for a judge to keep him away from his kids

I watched some of his youtube videos. This is a man in his mid thirties who acts like a fool. He's emotionally stunted. Never grew up past a teenager. Wouldn't surprise me if he grooms young people on tiktok. What reason does a mid 30s man have to have a tiktok?

He'll be fine. The current regime in the west protects leftists (for now)

That is fucking sad because spardot probably used weed every single day of the pregnant. She probably did edible and thought it was cool because she wasn't smoking. God knows what other drugs she was doing while pregnant

Probably because Brook, the mom, knows Aubrey is a pedo.

He looks like gay Dean Blundelle

Poor kid. You can see the fetal alcohol syndrome in his face. Degenerate junkies have children and I don't. :(

He tattooed his ex wife's name on his dick.

its not a coincidence that they all look the same and think the same

>hacked givesendgo
and gab
and epik
and parler
and somehow he's never prosecuted for any of it
really activates the almonds

This faggot is literally deranged and has delusions of grandeur. My bet is he's got a kiddy porn collection, fits the profile.

This fag runs another chan site and likes to exaggerate and lie for clout. This is the same loser that said he started anonymous. I doubt he did the hack.
That being said fuck him I hope he pays for it anyways.

Whats a givesendgo?
Sounds like some fucking pathetic circlejerk full of poofters.

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Because he didn't do it, lol. He is friends with the people who did. He has a big mouth.

Kinda looks like the sort who would live in a basement apartment.

His information is up on 94chan. :)

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Are you guys bots, trolling, or genuinely this dumb? It is unfathomable to me how you guys don't get it. Seriously, I just can't comprehend how you guys can be this dumb.
Canacucks just got their bank accounts closed on them for protesting. You think the system is going to do anything to this guy? He did their work for them, if he isn't on their payroll already.

I used to be in the 420chan irc unfortunately when I was in my edgy college drug stage and had a friend in there from overseas that could get me shit that I could never get here and was a master at shipping and getting it through customs. Spardot was in there 24/7 and holy shit she is so crazy and cringe. There is no way shit quit drugs while pregnant. How can a man be so smart with technology and such a fuckup in every other area of his life?

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It's all...

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