ITT: best political books

Here's my list. Show your suggestions

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If you had a nagging feeling that the mess the western world is in is nothing new and political correctness has gone mad, Glubb draws parallels with the fall of Rome that are uncomfortably familiar to the signs we see around us today. Only about 26 pages

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you really love this book eh?

bringing it up causes very interesting reactions

i wonder if you're the author sometimes, you mention it more than seems usual.

You're not the first one who has voiced that suspicion, but I am not John Ringo and I think claiming so would be stolen valor, I have simply read his books

Don't worry user, I gotchu, here's a couple prime political books that are peak based

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This book is ungodly anti-PC and based, get it before it becomes illegal

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I wonder if that has some symbology behind it. She's sorta doing the hanged man pose. Also, neck yourself nigger lover.

well whatever. it's really not that good anyway. Propaganda by Ellul is worth reading carefully however.

>it's really not that good anyway
it gets better when you compare it to reality

Very inspirational book

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In th sequal, both are killed in a drive by shooting over a crack deal


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I wish people talked about this more, It's an easy read hell you can look up a reading of it on YouTube if your that lazy

Pic related.
Manufacturing Consent
Thought Control and the Psychology of Totalism

I think Choosers of the Slain is better.

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