Only in America. Sigh

Only in America. Sigh.

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Fuck teachers

sigh yep only in america can a person work white collar, blue collar, academic, or any or other combo of jobs at the same time.
what a tragedy

nice tits stupid

>CEO of High Powered Financial Conglomerate also does plumbing on the weekend
sigh only in america

top kek well deserved

Fippy bippy
Teachers constantly complain about their salary like someone forced the job on them. Fuck off already.

they wouldn't get a single cent from me if it were possible without being thrown in prison

Abolish the DoE.

>Cogs in the kike propaganda machine aren't paid enough

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I thought education was like kryptonite to your average nigger, turns out Any Forums muttoids are about on the same level of willful ignorance

Waaahh WAAAAHHH, we knowingly chose to get into a career field and act surprised at the pay involved! Waaah!!! Our national average salary is $56,000 but we only really work for a cumulative 9 months out of the year (if that) between summer break, holidays, snow days, etc. and if you adjusted our salary to match a full year we're actually compensated more in the area of $75,000 per year!!! WAAAH ITS NOT ENOUGH, EVEN THOUGH IT'S WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR AND KNEW ABOUT BEFORE I EVER EVEN WENT DOWN THIS CAREER PATH!!!!

Boo hoo boo hoo please please just pay us what we're worth! We'll present ourselves as earnest and dedicated passionate educators who care about nothing more than giving your kids the skills and information they need to succeed in life. Who cares that we're just glorified state sponsored babysitters who are almost uniformly lazy and barely know anything about the subjects we teach? We DESERVE more MONEY!!! WAAAAAAAH

Support our union to have more leftist black nationalist white hating niggers "teach" your children and add a negative racial slant to literally any topic! Pay us more to do so!! We deserve it!!! WAAAAAHHHHH

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Once I got out of high school I got a subscription with A Cloud Guru and Pluralsight that my dad paid like $150 for.

In the first two weeks I learned more about computers and the industry than 3 years of "Programming" classes at my HS.

We could easily automate these stupid fuckers and the kids that benefit from school would instantly be smarter.

School is just a babysitting place for minorities

Home run chippah

>be wagie
>overlords give us the opportunity to dress casually and relax
>use the opportunity to dress as a different wagie

>but we only really work for a cumulative 9 months out of the year (if that)
The average work year is 180 days
180 fucking days.

this is the stupidest liberal bullshit ever, teachers ARE EXTREMELY OVER PAID. THEY DONT WORK 8 HOUR DAYS, THEY DONT WORK SUMMERS

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Or weekends or every other Friday for 'teachers conference' or any holidays at all.
They literally only work 180 days a year 1st shift.

normal jobs dont work weekends and often have industry conferences so that's ok

Oh look its this thread again

>my "main" job is only 180 working days a year, with no nights, weekends, or OT
>got to stay home for 2 years doing nothing
>by arguing that the education they provide isn't actually essential
>and according to every performance metric, is total shit bordering on fraudulent
>WhY dO I hAVe tO GEt a SeCOnd JOb?@*&^@*@@!!!! AMeRiKKKa Is SHit!!#@#@

Fuck off kike faggot. My kid learns 100X more from me and by watching Khan Academy videos than he does going to your shitty indoctrination camp. You are a fucking disgrace. I actually hope you neck yourself you dumb nigger.

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