Have land

Have land
Have truck
Have guns
What am I missing? Need to avoid pic related.

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Ruminant cattle and a system to gather food from. You have land, but if you're not doing anything with it, it's not really worthwhile.

Was thinking sheep and goats, it's what the land was originally used for. I can trade with the neighbors for cattle products.

You have no woman, nor will you ever be one.

Sheep and goats are fine. So long as it's ruminant it'll be able to handle the majority of extra shit it eats with it's four stomachs, as compared to say pigs, which are monogastric (like us) and store all that shit in their fats.

God I'd hope not, remind me to dig a well to avoid having do drink tap water.


>What am I missing?

Location of billionaires and their family.

The only "ruminant" here is your mother, whom I have fed my wholesome semen on more than one occasion

She brought it up a couple times but managed to get it down, the absolute trooper

God bless her

a government not hellbent on herding you into an anthill and making you subservient on whichever corps contribute the most to election/campaign funds.

everything you own can be taken from you if the right people want it. never forget that.

Tap water is unironically not that bad... the issue is that the state is giving it to you, and you're paying for it. But if you dig a well, residential surface pumps are only effective up to a depth of 25th feet, so I'd build it 22 to 24ft deep. If you build it 25 or more, you'll need a pump at the bottom, which will make maintenance and repairs fucking difficult, perhaps even requiring some poorly trained nigger to come out.


>remove well casing
>grab wire
>pull until above ground
>shut off power, probably should have done this first, sorry.
not hard at all user.

This land's been in the family six generations, i'm dying here one way or the other.
Water table's pretty high up, and I've helped work on sandpoints before, figure I could figure it out.

post the original

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so excited for my socialist communal bunk bed
I'm gonna sniff so many toes

You can probably figure it out, it doesn't take a genius.

That's not how it's done in my little corner of the country. I blame kikes and niggers, in that order, for that. Your post is too logical.

>What am I missing?
More guns.

you are missing the fact that the gubmint WILL take your land, WILL take your truck, and WILL take your guns eventually. They will take your land by raising the property tax to an insane amount that you will be unable to afford. They will take your truck by either implementing some kind of per mile tax or making it outright illegal. They will take your guns by labeling you a felon and shutting you out of society if you don't turn them in and thank the gubmint for the privilege. There is literally no point in trying to own anything as you can bet your last red cent they will take it all sooner or later. You should prepare to live in a smart city and have the government make every single decision for you. You will work until you die. We all will, if we are lucky.

a man with principles, good on you.
hope you instill that in your kids so that they don't "lol i wanna backpack through europe" and sell your land/property when they inherit it.
tragic, but many such cases. a good solid trust helps in that department.

really? it's a simple submersible pump inside a 4" well casing. how much more complicated could they make it?