Michigan GOP planning to raise taxes on all firearm purchases

Just heard the news from an intern at the capitol. Michigan GOP representatives are planning on passing a bill that will place a 17.5% tax on all firearm purchases, including ammo! They’ve gone crazy with greed.

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I think its because they’re scared of more nuts coming after them like they did the Governor.

They want to start regulating guns now.

Super twisted of the Michigan GOP

>taxes on firearm purchases
just don't pay the tax.
simple as.

I’m just gonna vote for Whitmer this year, she’s a bitch but the Republicans are retarded to run a black cop and do this shit

It’s not hidden if you’ve been spamming this in every thread for the past day. Get fucked with your honeypot server

unconstitutional. this has been tried before and struck down. it's no more permissible than charging a fee to register to vote. rights are rights.

What about sales at shops and shows? This is gonna ruin all those guys.

Might not be a big deal on person to person sales but the state will get their cut from the local mom and pop shops.

They're so desperate they were posting it to Any Forums threads last night.

Still, its basically stabbing their voters in the back.

The Michigan GOP is a bunch of spineless worms. I miss Engler.

Do you not see how obvious it is you're picking and choosing where to post this? You are literally running an entrapment operation right now, there's about to be a mass roundup of patriots and another false flag isn't there? You wouldn't know because you're just skidgrease on the bottom rung who did this to get out of needing a real job.

Shes not as batshit crazy as Synder.

I used to support the state GOP back in the 1990’s-2000’s but they’ve lost their way.

Next thing you know they’ll be passing bills to confiscate legally owned guns.

That's the point. They can't outlaw guns because of the 2nd Amendment but they can make it impossible to successfully manfacture and sell them.

Not sure. Probably not, I hope.

I’m just trying to get people to pay attention to whats happening.

Pray for America, I geuss.

What if they keep raising the tax? Theres no law or cap on how high they can raise the gun tax.

You know its bad when the freaking GOP is trying to burn the legal firearm owners.

This will just make people resort to other ways.

This is the first time I’ve posted this?

Whatcha talking about?

At least she’s doing stuff like auto insurance refunds

Yup. Its a small refund but its better than nothing.

If it were up to the state GOP they’d be raising a tax on that.

Worth mentioning that none of these representatives are endorsed by Trump. Not surprising.

The "GOP" are the same NWO faggots as all the other politicians.

Ain’t that the truth.

They are going to take all our money then they’ll be going for the guns and land.

A mitten just flew over my house!

Lol. Really? Is that a good omen. We could use good omens these days.