Any Forums opinion on Ceausescu?

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Sic semper tyrannis

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he was a jew

I don't have opinion on this piece of trash.
Edit 1: Looool thanks guys for the rewards and upvotes.
Edit 2: Didn't think this will explode.
Edit 3: You made my day guys.

He actually hated jews. He literally sold jews to israel for sheckels.

you're a Jew

Got to power by being a good goy. He starts implementing more nationalistic measures and suddenly a "revolution" happens. Strange timing no? Same with Stalin

why are you asking these retards? Unless you're a dumbass zoomer, you know the answer.
This fucker was the most BASED nationalist in the 20th century.
The guy who got the Russian troops out of Romania in 59. The guy who literally implemented the Haavara plan and got the Jews to pay to leave Romania.
These retarded Western cucks know nothing,

Haavara plan. Got the jews to pay to leave Romania.

Ceausescu literally implemented nationalism socialism. If he wasnt so obsessed with north korea he would probably have gone down as one of the best leaders

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whatever moishe and schlomo

Yeah that's the point. Strange timing with that revolution eh? Same with stalin's death

Fuck off fed you suck at this

Good lad. From my understanding the revolution started in some other city where it was quickly quelled then glowies started another in Bucharest? Can any based Capitanul lads confirm

I remember Kim Ir Sen comign to visit him, and seeing him on TV.
Ceausescu wanted to build nukes at Magurele to get the same level of safety Kimgave North Korea.
he banned abortion.
put fags in jail
took ROmania out of the Russian sphere
made it a self sufficient industrialized country
paid the debt
It waa hard. I was a kid and I remember the powercuts, the empty stores but in retrospect that mother fucker sragged Romania kicking and screaming into the 20th centiry. He basically made up in 20 years for 350 years of technological retardation due to the Turks
Ceausescu was a hero

who? no one cares abour you gypsies.

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It was a CIA Op. They took out the guy who was building a self sufficient country in EE and was about to build nukes and handed Romania to Jews.
Imagine Rich NK.
That's what we lost

don't you have to fluff the 5 arabs who are about to fuck your wife, hans?

The world is a stage

Attached: Ceausecu Alive.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

The greatest legacy of Ceausescu is that he built Dacia. Romanians should be eternally grateful for that.

That's probably from the movie or they wanted to train the scene a few times, so it can be by his standarts of propaganda.

lmao what is this

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oh shut up you fuckign retard

He was known for his blurry hands

How many sheckels is a jew worth? Asking for a friend.

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he truly was a communist and believed in it all the way to the end

he was surrounded by yes men and had ran the economy into the ground

he developed a god complex in his later years

he also was obsessed with peacocks. he had peacock suits, carpets, paintings and everything related to peacocks