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Welcome to Citadel

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Nobody cares about Norway

Bjorn: "how should we design this new building Sven?"
Sven: "oh idk...maybe a..."
Bjorn and Sven together: "SOULLESS DEMORALIZATION BOX?!"
[they both laugh and kiss]
Roll Credits
Based on true events.

There is not a single person dead or alive in the world that doesn't care about Norway.
I don't want to picture that kek

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see? thread dead and nobody cares about norway

ill spite bump it, I may hate Norwegians, but I hate kraut smuggies more.

Norway thread?
Based. I care about Norway

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I love british girl kebab

I bet you do, Ahmed

I live in a state with a million more people and most europeans cant even point to on a map
literally zero worth

I see no discernible difference between this and any major American city.
Except you haven't been hit by (((diversity)) as hard yet.
Please do something while you still have time.

More like Snoreway

Sry for the bad thread

checked and np

I can't believe a thread died for this.

oslo needs to be nuked into oblivion. this is what a real norwegian city looks like

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Looks cozy desu

No one cares about us fren. It's sad but true. We are irrelevant and useless. We are better off dead.

>We are better off dead.
Don't say that, fren. I'm just off medication and manic and started a fight for no reason. I love my nordic brothers.


This city seriously sucks. Did you fudge the city planning by just copying street plans and buildings grom GTA 3?

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