Seethe chuds

seethe chuds

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i hate women so fucking much i go on a spree where i treat them like the shit that they are

"I fucked a dirty hooker, aren't you jealous?

My dick is bleeding! Aren't you jealous?"

That's cool, sinner. But...the one who suffers for the bad choices, is teh one who made them~

*i need to go
fucking women

keyword "had"

I encourage women who lean this direction to go all in with it. I enjoy gazing upon the mentally ill 40-something year old cat ladies still in denial that their eggs are all dried up and nobody wants them because they're not cute anymore.

Infidelity is violence.
You are *literally* exposing your significant other to potential disease.
Shut the fuck up. Wear the fucking mask.
Get vaccinated.
Get tested for AIDS.

i've cheated on every girlfriend i've ever had, come to think of it

no regrets

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Why would anyone be mad over someone ruining themselves? Let them, who cares?

Sounds like a keeper.

i guess that explains why shes single in her 40s

because a lot of sluts keep their affairs private, this women chose to reveal what she did, but a lot of average women do this secretly, you can think a girl is an angel and she's still be a cheating whore in secret

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Based roasty outing modern women thought headed for the wall

They burned witches for a reason.

Never had a gf all my sexual experience comes from hookers so...

I will bet everything I own the author is Jewish

I hope she likes cats.

Not every news story about some worthless cunt is worthy of a thread, faggot. Sage.

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in 2022 fucking hookers is better for your wellbeing, i've had my share of modern women in relationships and it was fucking dogshit, most disloyal generation of women yet.

So? If she cheats and you find out then good riddance? If she cheats and gets away with it, you're dumb.

All my ex girlfriends admitted they cheated on me. Fuck women.

I'm single so no they never got away with it, doesn't mean that they won't try at every step though.