Trans people

You only hate trans people because you think they're icky. You literally have no other reasons.

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they are icky.

Because JEWTIN


Because anyone who thinks they're anything except what they're naturally born as is a lunatic, and lunatics don't belong in public nor do they deserve to be respected – they deserve to be locked in asylums and given shock treatment.

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Tranny women are literally superior because you can cum inside them as much as you want and they will never get pregnant :)

They are icky and a mentally ill drain on society

Why aren't you in an asylum then?


They are very icky but I don't hate them. They hate themselves plenty. What I won't tolerate is these freaks around children. You'll get drug behind a 4x4 IRL if I see a troon near a minor child.

Ok Faggot.

you reproduce by grooming and raping kids

go back to >>>> faggot

That's a valid enough reason to hate them.

When I see myself in the mirror, I see a man and I am content with it. My brain doesn't tell me I should wear makeup and get surgery to be a woman.
When I see my dick, I either piss out of it or jizz out of it: I am not compelled to cut it off and dilate all day.
I am sane.

They're called conductors or engineers.

Trans women are goddesses

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ok, and?

>You literally have no other reasons.
you missed the part where if people dont want to play the preferred pronoun game, they face scorn and serious repercussions

Reasons I hate trannies

They're icky
They're gross
They have cooties
I wouldn't touch one with a 9 foot pole
I wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole
I wouldn't touch one with an ELEVEN foot pole
If I won't get the clot shot why would I get the cootie shot?
they smell
they don't wash their hands
they look like poop

I hate trans people because they're liars. They know their gender but they think the whole world is a big stange and they are an actor.

What's that god of deception called?

Yeah but you think the south will rise again, which is arguably more delusional than anything a trans person does. So yeah, pajama time for you pal

I think they are mentally ill and dangerous to themselves and others, especially children.

Yeah, bullying people in the workplace isn't tolerated anymore. Crazy

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So are Christians and boomers.

You have nothing lmfao.

Thanks for playing. Not going anywhere btw so seethe elsewhere


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