The Vaxx Olympics have started

Who did it best, Any Forums? You decide.

Attached: Verdacht auf Vax Kollaps ist jetzt Olympische Disziplin - - Ist die Doping-Probe negativ wird man disqualifiziert - - 1. USA - 2. Österreich - 3. .webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

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Attached: yummy.png (600x600, 88.44K)

Bottom right for sure, she went down like a sack of shit

Attached: 1644973974645.jpg (224x225, 9.34K)

If you made that use this one, even though the light is blue

Attached: 1644384928660.webm (820x480, 2.01M)


Missed opportunity to sync them up so they all fell simultaneously

Attached: 1637680346087.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

I don't know, Header Mcdonald is pretty good gevin the context but Yurop girl bottom right was the first and the best head smash pirouette

Top left

Attached: Rafael silva tv Alterosa.webm (998x564, 1.54M)

Also top left fractured her skull on the fall.

>thought it a weird coincidence that they always seem to stroke out when talking about the vax
>realize it's because they never talk about anything else but the vax

wtf are you serious every bluepill who has seen it told me it was deliberate and part of her joke

kek. fpbp. anitvaxxtards btfo. just scheduled my booster.

that vid at the bottom left is creepy as fuck

I hate catch wrestling but this editing is absolutely top quality. Incrustation and colorimetry is pretty much as good as it gets.

Sauce on bottom left?

It was like her soul was gone but the body remained.

Attached: 1644972102334.webm (852x480, 1.82M)

Attached: ze8NU2F82hGnsbX.png (755x711, 779.51K)

happened yesterday

>>while watching vaxx Olympics
>get amazing prizes for FREE
>free HIV test
>roll 3 times to start from .46%
>instant win bonus
>it's working!

Attached: 6choices3times1bonus1test.jpg (500x761, 66.73K)

That eye twitch gets me every time


She isn't taking the fourth injection due to it and Bob Saget.

9/10 for all. if any of those cunts died then they'll get a 10/10.

McDonald, for the added irony of her saying Jesus loves her the best.

Though the Randy Orton version of the Swiss lady going down is too good to be true.

Lady in orange is so cute to me that I feel bad for her. :(

It's kind of hard to fall without bracing yourself. I invite people to try it, forwards or backwards.

We deal in truth, not lies.

Attached: 1638332098332.webm (854x480, 2.56M)

Have to put my vote in for the burger.
The others we're doing their jobs telling people to go out and get the jabs etc etc..
The burger was busy being a virtue signalling Thot who didn't break their arm patting themselves on the back when it happened, which puts a whole new level of frosting on this slice of cosmetic karma! Delicious!

Attached: 1521846819343.jpg (657x624, 112.6K)


>above average Satan

Attached: 1644483598464.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

Thank you

Lower right got my almonds activated

Attached: Screenshot.jpg (1436x1511, 527K)


All either unrelated or unvaccinated. You antivax virgins will never be touched intimately by a woman.

Has anyone collapsed in the chingchong Olympics?

>Dr. Drew said he has a friend who still can’t walk after getting the Covid booster, but encouraged people to get jabbed anyway.

Attached: funny face lol lol.jpg (171x176, 9.99K)

Don't listen to the coward meme flag

which one was unvaccinated? as for unrelated, citation?


would have been funny if you synced them falling

>McDonald passed on the ambulance and was taken to a local hospital by her sister-in-law.
They wrote this like she died on the way. Kek

Cracking your skull is serious business.

Praise the Lord

In that Dr.Drew interview she has to ask him what myocarditis is.
In 2022 she didnt know what myocarditis is, amazing.

The vax is not just a poison to the body , it kills the soul

>4th injection

great edit, watermark ruins it

How does it feel to have your brain rotting while you are still alive ?

It only effects women the vaccine