Sandy Hook was pretty based because a bunch of future broccoli head zoomers died...

Sandy Hook was pretty based because a bunch of future broccoli head zoomers died. Icing of the cake was this ugly faggot did the world a favour and killed himself too.

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Too bad he missed OP.


that kid is likely in Hell know, sucking cock in front of an audience of demons that numbers in the millions. Each day, he is forced to fellate another demon as millions watch him and laugh at him. This is the punishment for his evil.

>broccoli head zoomers
spotted the baldy with bad genetics

>the zoomers' take on sandy hook

bet you think about sucking dick a lot

I know a guy from CT, he lived like 5 miles away.

He said the building was peppered with bullet holes and they weren't from the same calibre the kid supposedly used.

Then it got demolished.

He's not that ugly.

Sandy hook was a false flag. Just ask Robbie Parker who was interviewed by the news mere hours after his daughter was supposedly murdered and hes laughing and joking and carrying on and yea fuck that. This was fake and if this was fake the whole thing was fake. Period.
>dont believe your own lying eyes
It was a false flag.

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true. also i they were all white as well. so triple the win.

well really early on that Teacher Kaitlen Roig told the press that someone was shooting into her classroom. like from outside, and that's why she hid in the bathroom

but on the other hand these people are constantly changing their stories, so its really hard to listen to anything they say

Careful not to cut yourself there edgelord

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I think that was a day after, but still. kind of odd they'd choose Robby Parker to give a press conference. Although he is a mormon freemason cunt.

The odd part is laughing and smiling and joking to reporters mere hours after your child is supposedly murdered. It doesnt compute. Doesnt add up.

cause they are all a bunch of psychopathic kabbalah jew magic occult weirdos

And then he quickly attempts to compose himself, puts a sad somber face on as he thinks its time to go on the air. Takes a couple deep breaths to get his eyes watery and act all sad for the camera. It was fake. There is no question about it. It was fake.


Sandy hook was a false flag
No kids died
Not a single photo of any dead kid period
Post one if you can, hint you can't
Crisis actors going around in a continous loop in fire station
Building destroyed swiftly after

It was a FALSE FLAG to push a bill to eliminate all semi auto rifles and it FAILED!!!!

FUCK YOU COMMIES, seeeeeetttthhhhhh

Poor kids

there is lots of rare footage of even weirder locals. its seriously Stephen King territory.

Where is Dr. Paul Fox?

How did he die? Stick a dildo up his schnozz and suffocate?

he fled to new Zealand where all the criminals go.
part of the five eyes outreach program

Nothing quite hits, imo, like the father who supposedly just lost his daughter to a maniac gunman, laughing and smiling to cameras before trying to put a fake sad face on for the segment they were filming. Thats all i need. All i need to tell me the whole thing was fake/staged

His face is a nose that has weird hair on top.

Overdosed on dance dance revolution

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