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you also don't have to inject the dump

You need to stop before one side of this retarded debate finally gets sick of the other never shutting the fuck up about it.

Is this clear enough yet, you fucking niggers?

>your body is someone else's property just like a restaurant, sidewalk, or classroom


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>cant take a dump on a sidewalk.
Just go to San Francisco

You can give people AIDS there too

You can send your kid to school with chicken pox, he just might get sent home.

Nobody is going to school or work with COVID, so whats the problem?
Ah, so anti-science.

>you can't take a dump on a public sidewalk

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There were always Luddite scum who opposed (((them))) it only last a generation so no amount of rebelling ever works

>masks don't work
>lockdowns don't work
>the clot shot doesn't work
It was never about public health.

She has unknowingly described some of the gripes modern conservatives have with big government. The public space becomes all-consuming such that individual choices mean little.

twitter is literal cancer

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Kek. Aren’t homeless niggers shitting all over the streets of San Francisco right now?


Chickenpox? Yes you can. You'll just get everyone sick for a few days and the teacher can take some time to get caught up on paperwork/sub for another teacher/take a couple of days to catch up on tv shows.
Would you want to go into a place with grease and who knows what else on the floor with no protection?
San Fran you can!

>Take a dump on a public sidewalk.
In 20 years globohomo will have a fecal consumption mandate. For your "probiotic health" you understand. Screencap this post and print it out.

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The flag makes this way funnier

for real though can we do something that's actually cool like bringing the legalization of cocaine to the forefront of public discourse as it should be

Much of the right-wing screeching against mask mandates is nullified by those same right-wingers' opposition to legalizing recreational drugs. If you don't want to be forced to wear a mask, then you shouldn't support people being arrested for doing recreational drugs. Hard to take the Republicans seriously until and unless they sort out that hypocrisy.

Literally all of these things happen daily. This woman is retarded

This could be fun. Why don't we talk about the successful people that used cocaine and promote it as a healthy lifestyle choice.

Can't force medical treatment without consent. What are you a nazi?
My body.
My choice.
Never ever ever ever taking it (the vaccine)

I agree with legalization but those two have nothing to do with each other

Oh look a fag that’s somehow never been to california

It's no trade off because no one wants to do any of that stuff. Is the bitch retarded?

like for example, every single successful person
everybody loves cocaine, it's an open secret in any industry where people start making real money

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