Dutch Any Forumsder general: fuck the government edition

>This has “occurred” in the Netherlands:
-In the event of a major loss of healthcare staff, QR pass will return.
-Most measures including QR pass are lifted 25 February. WATCH OUT for 1 step forward and 2 steps back in autumn.
-Truckers and trekkers in anti government demonstration last few days
-Nightclubs open out of protest on saturday
-Globohomo Volt partymember Gündoğan has been suspended for unwanted behaviour
-Doctor who discovered Omicron: 'I was ordered to label this variant serious'
-QR code not valid anymore without booster
-ECB doesn't want to raise the interest rates
-Inflation according to official numbers 7.6 % and here to stay
-Blackstone (((American))) own up €15 billion of the Dutch housing market

>Corrupt institutions
GGDGate, FvD undercover at the GGD:

-Weltschmerz – Falen van justitie
-Apeldoorn to be turn into a "smart city" by the EU and WEF. White mystery boxes attached to every street light:
-Huig Plug is free after being in jail again for one week:
-Torch man, who visited Minister Sigrid Kaag's home, convicted for half a year, Demmink runs free

Previous threads:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kek imagine thinking Jan Kaas has any time to think about these issues when there's probably some turkish refugee needing money and a good blowjob. There's a reason your ancestors were known as the Jews of Europe.

dutch netherlands neder

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dutch netherlands neder dutch netherlands neder dutch netherlands neder dutch netherlands neder dutch netherlands neder dutch netherlands neder dutch netherlands neder

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Neder neder dutch dutch

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i am scared of working and interacting with people

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Bought a new custom-build pc, still waiting for the graphics card. They better not make me wait for days only to go
>Yeah we sold it to you, but we're out of them
Then either don't have it on your website (it's removed now) or keep it up to date. Hopefully it's been reserved with my order.

that's gay

Man, the OP is really outdated.
Here's a more up-to-date one, but we need more recent news:

>The following has "occurred" in the Netherlands:
- Most covid measures will be lifted on the 25th of February, including mandatory QR passes
- However, beware that this could possibly be a "one step back, two steps forward" scenario
- In the event of a shortage of healthcare staff, the QR code will return
- The last few days have been filled with anti-government protests by truckers and trekkers
- Globohomo Volt party member Gündoğan has been suspended for "transgressive behaviour", no further details given
- The ECB may raise interest rates if the outlook for European inflation doesn’t improve “significantly”
- Doctor who discovered the Omicron variant claims to have been pressured into labeling it as a serious threat
- Globalist investors like the (((American))) company Blackstone have bought over 15 billion euros worth of homes in the Netherlands between 2013 and 2021

>Public health service GGD turns out the be extremely (morally) corrupt
The FvD went undercover and investigated the GGD:

>Required reading/watching (the following videos and articles are in Dutch)
- Ministry of Justice and Security refuses to investigate reports of rape by (underaged) individuals inflicted by the Dutch elite
- The city of Apeldoorn to turn into a "smart city" by the WEF, mysterious white boxes are attached to every streetlight

Previous threads:

Being a jannie is not a job, vrien.

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neder sounds so gay in english i hope you know that

i know :(

im not
wish i had a woman like that that pays for my secluded asocial life

>but we need more recent news:
I am looking everyday, but lately there isn't much

English sounds like gay Dutch.

Sure thing.

Kijk dit hahahahaha

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No refunds

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>i am scared of working and interacting with people

Sounds like you have PTSD.
Which is certainly understandable if you lived through the Yugoslav war.
Dutch mental health care professionals recently started treating people who suffer from ptsd with MDMA in combination with therapeutic sessions. How is serbian mental health care ? Is it up to western standards or still stuck at soviet level treatment ?

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>jannies aren't paid

You are wrong

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you can help him by not responding to the exact same questions he asks every single thread. fuck that jannie and if you are one too, Fuck You!

Brabander in de zaal. Spreek NL jullie kanker anglofielen

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I love my ptsd, it keeps me away from normies that in the end cause wars

AAHHH Canada!! Wat NOu?? ad.nl/buitenland/opnieuw-anonieme-graven-gevonden-bij-voormalige-inheemse-internaten-in-canada~ac6dbd3e/

How did Omtzigt become the posterchild for exposing the governments fraud in this scam pandemic? FvD have been called wappies for saying that the OMT doens't operate indipentent of the kabinet. But here comes Omtzigt being angry and Geenstijl is right on it. Same goes for Mona Keijzer. I predict that Omtzigt will find a way to give the government an out like he did when FvD demanded hospital data. Kabinet struggled with how to handle the demand for hospital data and out of nowhere Omtzigt came with the muh privacy argument. Fuck this faggot.


Geenstijl is partycartelist scum. They don't want to admit Baudet and FVD have been right about the Corona hoax all along.



Kijk dit dan

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daarom lees ik alleen het gebaseerde Joop.nl joop.bnnvara.nl/opinies/we-gaan-naar-het-normaal-van-een-stelletje-verwende-egoisten