I'm making a compilation. Any covid-related fainting is much appreciated. This is political because it's being suppressed by the state controlled media around the world.

Attached: 1644996184985.jpg (1510x900, 96.59K)

>INB4 y'all polchuds scour the entire earth for the same six videos of people having various medical issues unrelated to the vaccine and spew some tinfoil hat ratshit crazy conspiracy. Seriously, y'all are delusional billions of folx have taken the vacinne and having 1 or 2 videos of folx fainting don't mena nothing. Just frick right off alex jones

You have a video, user?

I’ve seen at least two hundred. Seethe more, it’s entertaining watching people get what they deserve.

Attached: 1643682542065.gif (288x288, 1.88M)

>I've seen two hundred.
200/7000000000 = 2.85714286e-8
Chuds: OmG gUyS ItS oVeR. Don't get the vacinne that is literally saving lives and ending a fricking pandemic.

how does it feel being the jannyshill
does it make you a sort of hero because you're the most oppressed

Attached: 64npj4.jpg (518x722, 74.9K)

This guy didn't faint. He just froze stiff as a board.

Attached: dude got bricked.webm (640x640, 1.71M)

Saved, thanks. I wonder how he remained standing like that though? Seems like he'd tip over

is she ok?
i mean when your eyes go in different directions that is beyond fainting....

Attached: timber.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

Attached: 1644381699340.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

Attached: wiggle.webm (718x406, 318.52K)

That's a good'n

Attached: 1631258607070.jpg (2000x1333, 588.37K)

Attached: 1644921879177.webm (320x180, 885.26K)

Attached: 1638083293552.webm (854x480, 455.61K)

Attached: 1637679418505.webm (1280x720, 777.4K)

Attached: 1634068495823.webm (1280x720, 948.39K)

How old is this? I think a lot of those old Chinese ones are bs.