Who has survived not getting vaxed?

I have somehow come out totally unscathed. I didn't lose my job. Last summer I simply told my family and friends I was vaxed (sadly all my friends and family are woke zogbots) and they stopped harassing me about it. My wifes side never cared either way. Meanwhile I know many others suffered humiliation or had their careers ruined. I feel for anger for those people. I have been praying to God to protect me and he has protected me the entire time.

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Never took it and forced my wife to not take it. Literally had to call her mom one time to to tell her to fuck off about it. Her mom ain't said shit about it recently, wonder what changed

Unfortunately I could not prevent my wife from taking it despite her knowing my misgivings. She gave in to the media fear porn despite the two of us gathering scientific evidence to the contrary. Her anxiety got the best of her. And I guess I failed in that way.

>I have been praying to God to protect me and he has protected me the entire time.
Based king, I've prayed every night but last year I prayed extra hard for my dad not to lose his job over the vax, he hold a really important one. If he would lose it over vax we'd be homeless. God protected us and he made it through, working at home unvaxxed, even his manger secretely admitted he was also unvaxxed. Now I pray I make it through my career ok, probably wont.

I live in Arizona. Idk. The hysteria just didn’t take hold here. Never needed to vax, so I didn’t

Its almost over fren. You will make it.

If you're really in Canada, I wouldn't call letting an authoritarian government run unchecked "unscathed". If some Canadian with balls doesn't put a bullet in Trudeau's head, I'm afraid this whole continent and western civilization by extension is doomed.

I live in florida. Never got the vax. My job tried to force me to get it but I was able to sign a waiver for religious reasons to not take it. Haven't even had a cold in 4 years.

Has she had any abnormal menstrual shit going on?

Nothing has changed for me

Same user, same. It was worse for her since she’s in the health industry and the hospital she works at mandated it.

nothing out of the ordinary

It was all psyops


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Glory to Christ. Greetings from Calgary, hope things are going well for you user. There are many good Orthodox Christian girls here, the west awaits.

>Christ is King

Unvaxxed, hasn't affected me at all since i'm self employed, but I don't advertise the fact or go around telling people the vax gave them aids etc

I've no qualms with vaccines, everyone in Aus is vaccinated up to their eyeballs for all the usual shit, but I simply wasn't going to roll the dice on an experimental vaccine that hasn't undergone long term testing, where the science I was being told to trust either wasn't available, or was unfavorable, for a virus no more deadly than the flu, where the manufactures weren't being held accountable, but were still profiting massively, all the while the government was coercing people to take.

All of that seemed extremely off.

Idk user cruise through sun city they still seem pretty spooked

See how your liabilities almost got you aids?

He doesn't make public appearances anymore.

Unvaxxed along with wife and kids.
We have all normal vaccines.
But I worked in marketing and used to do heavy pharma ad work. You can guess I'm immune to their bullshit.
As soon as the vaxx rolled out I knew something was off.
Unfortunately for my social life, marketing is either libtard territory or you stay in the conservative closet. So I had to just avoid talking about it because literally everyone is vaxxmaxxed.
So since only me and my wife and a few select others in the community are purebloods, we're seeing direct differences.
The vaxxies are dropping. But they never ever blame the vaxx.
A 25-yo woman who got tripled now has weird autoimmune shit and can't breath.
She thinks it's from Formula 409 sprayed in the cubicle next to hers by a coworker that has basically brought her to death's door.
To say the least, this whole experience has shaped my view of human beings.

I took the easy way and lied . Everyone except my wife thinks im vaxxed