
Attached: joerogan.jpg (1080x1440, 294.5K)


Is that Mussolini

it's not memoryholed, it's just how much they suck are trying to cancel people. They are loosing power fast and everybody saw how fake the attack against him was.


Nah this was like the top news for 2 weeks. Then gets completely forgotten. Even Neil Young is quietly back on Spotify. Just like the Kazakh protests, Wouldn't be surprised if a week from now Ukraine is memoryholed too. Wonder what distraction is psyoped next


Attached: 1644889214691.png (542x670, 689.38K)

They are growing an Antifa clone of him in Antarctica right now

In one week Joe Biden executed a few Joes. Joe Burrow and Joe Rogan both ritually shamed in front of hundreds of millions, Joe Biden wants to be the only Joe. My only dead friend from College was named Joe. What the fuck.

No such thing as Memory Hole.

It's made up.

1000's of 1000's of events happen constantly with the Connected Internet. No one keeps track of them all. You try to hold onto one, and 10+ new breakthroughs came through.

But the Spooks and glowies play their mind games because they're too scared to do their job and arrest criminals in the ghetto. They rather be safe behind a computer, playing games.

So they say these games that they're memory holing then populace. While simply trying to claim credit for the work of gravity.

you wish, shareblue faggot. no bump

I think at this point they're just desperately throwing shit and seeing what sticks

>Nah this was like the top news for 2 weeks.
yeah, that's my point, maybe I don't see memoryholed the same way as you but they try to cancel him and everybody saw they were trying too hard so they drop it.

That’s true. None of these problems would exist if spooks would start arresting niggers. Pussy ass web gurus

I'm saying the fake controversy around him not Rogan himself.

The most popular and watched news host in the US.

He is uncancellable

Those 2 doctors he had, McCullough and Malone were touching very sensitive nerves on the fibers of democracy™
They nearly openly testified that the entire COVID shit was made up and not only that, they murder people for propaganda, this are crimes against humanity the government willing engage.

I am sure Rogan had a phone call by unnamed people who gave him an offer he couldn't refuse.

I'm not sure it was because of them, I'm sure it was because of 1767 and 1768 in two days he exposed marxist tactics and how google operate to manipulate us. The antivax and just an easy dog whistle to turn people against him.

and the weeks after it was the shit show against him. If it was really because of those two you mention the shit show would have started sooner.


Can confirm, iv lost 4 Joe's in the last 2 weeks. Biden is gaining power.

I am still waiting on that fake alien invasion, or "terror" attack

Russian invasion on Ukraine.

No one cares that he said the nigger word