Holy shit

holy shit


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Nate is… right?!?!?

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Is SF white

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It’s the most liberal of liberal locations you can think of; if you can recall school board members there it’s casus belli throughout the entire country

what did these niggers do?
t.fuck california

To add more context to this thread so people understand the gravity, this is the FIRST recall in SF history and it’s 3 people all at the same time.

Um um um we was always against lockdowns and masks. Trump did it!!!!

People are getting tired Progressives
Probably has to do with schools or masks

even people in the epicenter of progressive San Francisco are that sick of COVID bullshit for their kids in school. It isn't even close, it's a landslide.

>german lopez

My biggest prediction since this started is that by the end they'll call them Right Wing lockdowns because Trump was in charge when they started
If the Vax goes wrong they'll be happy to give him the credit, too

It isn't time for oy vey yet, they haven't counted the mail-in ballots. Deep down, antisemitism like this is really at the heart of these few voters. It is like this in frisco and Cali and the whole nation, even the world. This is expected everywhere. Do not worry, the true blood of SF will shine through when we have a full count of ALL the votes.

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That might backfire desu

But it is 100% completely and accurately DOnald Trump's sole responsibility that coronavirus

A) Spread as quickly as it did
B) Was not properly addressed and instead meaningless gestures like "lockdowns" and useless "Mask requirements" were instituted
C) Vaccinations were not imposed by decree on all citizens

The sad and hilarious truth. But the thing is
>they're marked
they can't pretend they weren't a part of it, they took the mark

allison collins was the nonstop race baiting mulatto right?


Holy shit.
>Twitter link

>Faa uuga Moliga
>literally ooga booga nigga
You faggots need to slow down and stop turning memes into reality, how many time do I have to say this

>Faauga Moliga

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Decreed? This is the fucking USA. Fuck you and your totalitarian bullshit. Who radicalized me? Niggers like you.

Yes also would say racist things against chinese

Didn’t even notice his name kek

It's not solving shit the nog mayor is set to choose their replacements

Want a link to the article here? here you go.


want an archive instead that doesn't show the results of the election currently going on? here you go


want something else? suck my fucking dick

He fucking deserves any shit he gets for the (((lock downs))) he thought he was going to win the popular vote bending backwards on liberal pressure, he should is say fuck it and pull on through, no "mandates" or anything.
Remember warp speed?
It was under my administration i did that!

Fuck that fucking chimp and fuck anyone who votes for him a second time (if there is ever any other election)

Aaaand they'll all get hired by the governor's office tomorrow

Why is this big suprise.
Parents who are having their lives screwed by having their kids home constantly are highly motivated to vote where millenial childless pan nonbinary genderqueer zoomers and niggers are not.

ok. found video with the context
>At least 60 frustrated parents and volunteers organized by the Chinese/API voter outreach task force lined up along 19th Avenue near Carl Larsen Park in San Francisco Saturday.
>“They are putting politics over education. They’re harming our children, and we can’t wait to kick them out,” said event organizer Ann Hsu.
>Hsu has twin high school-aged sons in the school district. She claims the members up for a vote have recklessly prioritized renaming schools.
based chinks

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Of course it is Asians organizing it. The dumb bimbo in charge was trying to stop anti-black sentiment among changs.

childless monsters shouldn't be even allowed to vote on school matters. like wtf bitch trannyfaggot you got no ovaries

She was talking shit about chinese
Seems they got the last laugh

>But it is 100% compretery and accullatery DOnard Tllump's sore responsibirity that collonavillus
> A) Spllead as quickry as it did
> B) Was not pllopellry addllessed and instead meaningress gestures rike "rockdowns" and useress "Mask llequillements" were instituted
> C) Vaccinations welle not imposed by decllee on arr citizens

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kikes continue to stay

that's fauci you idiot, it's all fauci. only fuck up by trump was putting fauci in charge and even then he wanted to fire him.

>Why is this big suprise.
I am honestly surprised that you got a landslide in San Francisco on a school board election, where there has never been a recall until now where you have 3 members of the school board being recalled all at the same time. It is the biggest flag you can get that parents are fucking sick of the COVID restrictions at this point. They wouldn't give a shit if the education material was teaching their kids was they are a demisexual dragon but the fact they have to wear a mask constantly and test is causing political friction.

>She was talking shit about chinese

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Part of it was mask mandates
But part of it was also that they took the high performing schools you had to pass a test to get into (mostly asian and white) and said it wasn't 'equitable' so they let niggers into them next year and made admissions purely based on lotteries rather than achievement tests.
The Asians are fucking PISSSSEEEDDD about that. Even chinks whose kids didn't get into those schools don't want niggers fucking them up for their friends kids.
Asians will vote for liberals all day until you make their kids go to school with niggers.

CDC admitted 75% of COVID DEATH numbers were WITH
further, the 4 democratic governors that put all the flu patients in old folks homes caused about half of those deaths.

>Of course it is Asians organizing it.

>it only took their streets being covered in shit by mexican junkies on opioids with cartel connections as chinese-affiliated politicians steal their elections so their kids can be turned into trannies while their state is 30% illegals for californicucks to start thinking maybe gavin newsom and liberals might not be looking out for their best interests



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You're never living this shit down.

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>the chinks are tired of communist subversion

Q predicted this.

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I will always remember these dipshits, even with fraud votes, supported Brandon and Newsom in 2020 and 2021 and any republican who runs explicitly on ending covid, trannies and homeless illegals shitting in the streets will still lose by at least 5% in California, just cuz democrats.

>It is the biggest flag you can get that parents are fucking sick of the COVID restrictions at this point.
yet she'll still miraculously win an 11th term somehow.. she's been in office since i was a kid in the 90s..

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Good start. Now take out the rest of the trash.

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I'm just waiting for leftists to actually unironically say this. They already say it was "Trump's inflation" when Trump didn't want more bailouts and wanted to reopen the economy in April, which would have saved us a lot of pain and bullshit. They fucked everything up and now want to pass the buck. Joke's on them though- they got the deathjab.

Millennials are the ones most opposed to lockdowns, among generations who are adults, you retarded boomer.

Is it supposed to sound like a horn wtf

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Are there even blacks in SFO anymore? Especially ones with kids?

Based and under appreciated.