Any Forums BTFO


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For meme service industry and not the old heavy industry ones that were outsourced abroad.

I'm in one of the larger unions in the US and they're pocketing money from our employers to let them get away with shit.

Imagine thinking that a bunch of 80-IQ rightoids on Any Forums are your opposition to class consciousness. The end bosses are the limousine liberal and the upper-middle-class, self-indulgent white wokist.

>wage inequality
Nobody ever complains about skill inequality, talent inequality, drive and determination inequality. You want to know why I don't complain about wage inequality? Because I worked for 5 different executives at a public company. They get up at 5am and don't stop working until late at night. I got a really good eyeful of what the executives have to do to earn their money and though I don't agree with everything they do, I do agree that they endure a fuckton of stress to get where they are.
I'm too laid back for that shit and I'm kinda lazy. Not going to apologize for that and I don't expect the monopoly on violence to make up the difference for me. I'm good.

lmao. Starbucks barista unions aren't exactly the Steel Workers.

This isn't your grandparent's socialism, buddy. In the post-2016 new wave of National Socialism, we (as in Any Forums, as we generally have the same opinions about everything) believe in race-based capitalism with a small welfare state. Unions are led by Jews, who created niggers to undermine the White race, and are thus really bad and shit. We need ruthless free-market capitalism so that people can compete in survival of the fittest, BUT we also need to gas Jews so they don't rig the competition.


Can't wait for all of these unionized businesses to shut down. Unlike important labor unions I just wont eat at the local Mcdeez 241.


I'm surprised cuck island still has internet

Oh boy, I can't wait for donations from rejuvenated kike clubs, er uh I mean unions, to start flowing to the dems again!

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Fuck you nigger.
I busted my ass to get into a niche technical field and my reward has been watching the shitass boomers that were doing this job before me sit around with their thumbs up their asses.
They go their GED (at best) in the 60s and these chucklefucks have been sitting of these jobs for decades and these worthless assholes STILL make double what I do. 90% of my work is picking up the shit they cant or wont do but you expect me to believe theyre secretly super hard workers or some shit?

Every single stat will tell you that wages have declined for EVERY JOB (yes, yours too) over the last 60 years. The only possible reason anybody should be okay with the way things are is if they're a CEO whose seen their wages go up by almost 1000% in the same time span.

Your pathetic groveling at the feet of some made up ideal rich kid is sad as fuck. Just because you're happy to bend over for your wage slaver overlord doesn't mean the rest of us are.

glowie hard at work already!

A lot of the big unions are fucking pozzed.

well republican's hade one fucking job, make the American dream for all Americans viable. they didn't. they suck juden and nigger cock.

comunisem it is then! YOU BROUGHT THAT UPON YOURSELF!


What do you mean? Flipping burgers and spitting in the fries before serving some fat fuck makes these people workers!

and they get more pozed and flooded with money. good job!

The mob will experience a Renaissance!