New Stonetoss!

Attached: givesendgo-versus-gofundme-stonetoss-comic.png (1500x500, 68.48K)

i love the looks on the faces of control freaks when they lose control


Tie knot is sus


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I dont get it

>Don't like it? Make own thing!
>What?!?!??! SHUT IT DOWN!

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What percentage of STs follow these 2 same script?

Smug Man: Well why don't you...

Chad: OK, I will!

Smug Man: Noooo, I didn't mean it!


Smug Man: I hate people who xxxxxx

Chad: But you and your cohorts xxxxxxx

Smug Man: *sweats*

Well you have to think why such a simple script hits home so hard. Maybe these people are just that shit...


>2.9% plus .30 cents
Holy fuck. Thats jewing hard.
Surely it can't cost remotely that much to host a website and server to process incoming donations.

Its the classic I AM SILLY comic format. But it works as effective means of spreading a short message.

They make their money by asking you to tip them and set a default tip you can change.
That goes entirely to the credit card companies. Boomer rock salesmen will give you a discount if you pay with crypto or a wire.

I like how you think the second panel is Chad LOL

it does
in fact 2.9% is at the higher end of the % fees
and 30 cents is the higher end of the flat fees
most likely the credit card companies are just trying to fuck them over as much as possible
I bet gofuckme is charged about half that
probably around 1.5-2% and 15 cents

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